Needs a good cry!!


14 Years
Aug 10, 2009
Denver, Illinois
I havent been on for awhile and im kicking myself for it this is a great escape... my work is starting to get to me (I am an Activity aide for those with Alzheimer in a Nursing Home) Now my car engine is knocking so bad im afraid to drive it so i called in today :( i found a car i could afford and submitted my finance papers and the guy said he would call me right back and he hasn't and tomorrow is my only day off until next week so if im going to get it it will have to be tomorrow... why must he procrastinate if he wont sell it to me just let me know so i can search else where! ugh..... On top of this mess my 18 month old daughter is going on month 3 with an Ear infection and has her last appointment to see if it has gone away on Monday then she has to go see an ENT specialist for tubes... im not sure what to think about that... im to young for all this stress... lol i guess i just chose to grow up to soon!! well if you read this thanks for listening to my rant/sob story!
That's a lot to handle. Sorry you have to go through all of this
Hey GAChknGirl,
Hang in there and say a few prayers, and I am sure God will get you through! I don't know about the finance stuff, but I can surely identify with a non-flexible work schedule and my daughter had to have the tube in the ears for chronic ear infections, twice! Once was not enough. That absolutely sucked for her and us as it is painful for the parent to see the child sick like that. But she was a little trooper and she outgrew it and all was well. I am saying a prayer for you now!
God bless you and keep you, and make His face to shine upon you!
Put some stp in where the oil goes. Make sure its full of oil! It should stop the knock. What grade of gas do you burn? There are many engines that need a higher optane or they will knock. Try using premium gas and see if that stops it. Watch your oil pressure gauge, and if you loose oil pressure it will lock the motor up completely. How much oil pressure does it show idling and running down the road? What kind of car? I have had a motor to knock and it ran for two years.
Put some stp in where the oil goes. Make sure its full of oil! It should stop the knock. What grade of gas do you burn? There are many engines that need a higher optane or they will knock. Try using premium gas and see if that stops it. Watch your oil pressure gauge, and if you loose oil pressure it will lock the motor up completely. How much oil pressure does it show idling and running down the road? What kind of car? I have had a motor to knock and it ran for two years.
ok what is STP and unleaded gas i dont think it has an oil gauge i can watch and its not burning the oil, it is a Chevy Cavalier 2001 it has 250,000 miles on it

also the car was a no go... :( trying one last option before i go to my dad for help i hate asking for help!
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