Needs some help!

I only just spotted this thread.

One of our hens was attacked by a dog two weeks ago. She lost many tail and wing feather and skin from her back.

I don't know enough to experiment so we called out the vet. His answer was antibiotics and a sealant on her wounds. After a period of shock she is physically fine now though still lacking feathers and a little nervous. Given the grubbing around they do, I think that the sealant was as important as the antibiotics.

I hope your bird makes a full recovery.
Well I got bad news. She died sometime last night. I am going to keep an eye on the rest of the birds but they are all looking strong. I think with her body trying to heal the dog wound that with all the rain and wet weather we were having she got some type of respiratory infection. I had the wound cleaned out and had it sprayed with this purple antibacterial stuff to seal it. She walked on it and did great for some time but with the weather the way it has been I think she couldn't fight it off. Well it’s my first time with turkeys I guess you live and learn. Steve is right that only the strong survive. The one thing I wish I had of done is bought more turkeys. We had three but are down to one. I think if the turkey didn't have the chickens to run around with she would be one depressed bird. When the chickens go up at night and she has to go into her coop you can tell she wants to be with someone.
I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm glad that your remaining turkey does have daytime chicken friends and an obviously caring owner.

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