Neglected hens, advice please!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 9, 2014
Santa Barbara, CA
Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can advice me on what to do about this situation...I'm losing sleep thinking about it. I was riding my horse here in Santa Barbara on a nature preserve (horses allowed) and came across a very small, dilapitated coop with 8 pecked up hens inside. this preserve bumps up to a few backyards of some houses. The coop is around 4 ft x 4 ft square & around 5ft high, looked very predator proof and had a combination lock on the gate, almost no water & it was filthy, had almost no food & it was some kind of a powder. Eggs were piled high & looked to me that no one had checked on them in a while. I parked my horse & nocked on the door but no answer, then I called a friend that works for animal investigations & left him a message, no reply as of yet. I'm tempted to sneak back with my wire snips & cut out a hole for the hens to escape. Thoughts, advice please?????
I wouldn't let them out, predators could easily kill them. I think calling animal control is the best option here, what you described definitely sounds like animal cruelty and chances are the hens will be confiscated and the owner fined - I'm sure even if they aren't taken away the owner would be forced to fix their living arrangements and provide better food and water. If it turns out the coop isn't even on someone's property and is in fact in the nature reserve, it's probably not supposed to be there, and I'm not sure what happens then, but probably the hens would be confiscated, I would think.
Tell me about it, several of my hens are rescues. It's crazy how people will treat them because 'it's just a chicken'.

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