Neglected Pup: Angry Update!

So for those of you who hadn't seen my thread on a pup that we kind of rescued from a neighbor, here the link to it.

So update, last Tuesday I brought her in the get fixed and get all of her shots. She is in my name and the vet records say so.

Vet gave me strict instructions to keep her inside and only walk her on a leash for at the very least a week. So I bring her home, give her all of her medications, feed her, walk her, and overall care for her. The total vet bill for that visit was $193. Not to mention that in the past I have dewormed her and flea dipped her at my own expense. They had nothing to do with it.
This weekend I had to go out of town, and my neighbor suddenly came forward and asked for the vet record and shed pay us back half. On top of that she'd care for her for the weekend while I went out of town. I thought she was finally gonna step up and take responsibility. She came over to my house and gave us $100 but then took the vet records AND rabies tag for herself, and refused to give them back because its "her dog".
I didn't really say much more from that because I thought they might be trying to take responsibility, but I went to leave Saturday and who did I see outside without a collar or someone to walk her with a fresh surgery wound in her belly?
Bear. I promptly texted her "owner" and told her exactly this. "Hey if you're home then Bear is NOT supposed to be out and active on her own, not because of pain but because she risks infection and tearing it open. And if you're not home let your mom know to please let her inside." To which her response was "Look you helped us with her but we can take care of her now. I've talked to the vet tech amd she said she's okay outside for a little while. She's been inside since Tuesday."
Normally this would be okay with a dog, but this particular dog doesn't care if she's in pain, she still likes chasing cars, taking off into the woods, swimming in random creeks and mud puddles, and rolling in whatever dead thing she comes upon. These are KEY components to her becoming infected or tearing back open. Her belly is still red and healing.
Another thing, when I mentioned to her that the vet recommended we get "her" dog on flea protection, she promptly declined.

Now I'm at a loss. I'm thinking of bringing her to a no-kill shelter and letting the neighbor think she ran off, because if we take her in our home then the neighbor will clearly try and claim the dog again even though she still refuses to get her on a $15 flea pill or even feed her most days. The vet bills are in my name, and I have bought her EVERYTHING else she's had. All of her beds, toys, flea collars, harnesses, food, flea shampoo, and dewormer, and ive given her all of her baths and everything else she's needed. There's no one else I know who can take her in

Any advice?
Call the apl or dog warden they will open an investigation you can be anonymous or take her to small claims court and take the dog from her take detailed pics of her and her environment take her weight and have the vet bills

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