Neighbor Killed Coyotes this Spring, New Pack Has Moved In


There is no "I" in Ameraucana
Jan 18, 2008
Newman Lake, WA
Well, the neighbor killed the pack of coyotes we had here since we moved in, 15 years ago. They never bothered my birds, but they were coming into his yard and bothering his kennelled dog.

I have read that if the current pack does not bother your livestock, don't bother them..... Well the newest arrivals aren't very wary of humans. They were about 50 feet away from the "poultry yard" yesterday morning. My husband ran out with the pelelt gun and whizzed a pellet right over their heads and they trotted off.

So yesterday afternoon he took a trip to Cabelas and purchased a nice Henry .22 rifle. He put a scope on it and it is ready to go. So next time the yotes come up they won't be leaving.
Exactly why I advocate safe housing for poultry. You can kill the predators until your grand kids die of old age, and another predator will always appear to take his place.

Not that I wouldn't dispatch any coyote caught trying to dig into my coops or dog kennels. But I've got a lot of coyotes around here, and so far my fencing has stopped them, so I can't think of any reason to kill them.

On the plus side for the coyotes, they take care of all the cats that have been dumped in the country to "go and live on a farm". News flash, folks, the farmer doesn't want your unloved extra pets.
This is a good lesson to those that shoot first. This advice is offered by most state conservation departments--if they don't both you, don't bother them. Sorry to hear it wasn't heeded by your neighbor and now you're paying for it.
The birds are completely fenced in, but if something wants in bad enough.....

We have only had an owl attack, a few years ago. We have abundant wildlife here; lots of mice and voles to go around. It seems these guys want easier pickins.

There are wetlands below us, so no building in that area. I see all sorts of animals that could be predators depending on the season. And we had all gotten along so well.
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That's not good, Jean. Hope it doesn't get bad for you and the birds with the new pack in town.

I keep hearing folks saying to build predator proof housing. I don't believe there truly is such a thing. I always like to say "predator-resistant", instead. If a predator has enough time and is determined enough, he'll find a way inside.
Agree 100% in fact it usually happens just when you're sure you have everything covered.
Most places no longer offer a bounty but if they are showing up where they can cause problems and are not wanted they have to be taught respect. Nothing will do that faster than knocking one off or at least scaring them away--NYS DEC recommends teaching them to be afraid of humans as a means of control. (Hunting/trapping can only be done Oct 1 through Mar 27 or so)

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