Neighbor threatening to "take out my roosters"

Katharyn4629 -- I think it's a good idea if he calls who ever the heck he wants to come see the condition or your property and animals. In fact, if it had been me, I would have dialed the county or animal control and handed him the phone. The more you show a guy like that that you're not afraid eventually he'll know he met his match. Request a report from any agency he sends over and make sure you send it to the local authorities you've spoken to. Even if they don't have a file on you, get a signature or something that these "clean" reports have been seen by the police.

I love confrontation personally, I'd probably get the reports blown up to 4'X6' and hang them over the fence or run them up like flags. And then I'd send him copies in the mail with a copy of the RCW's stating the purpose and what is permitted on your zone of land.

This guy is a bully as many have said. Bullies get off on intimidating others, they do not like people challenging them. Every time he wants to engage you in conversation (or threat in his case) I'd make a cutesy nickname out of his name ex. (Gordon becomes Gordie -- Jerry become "Jehr" ,etc.) and asking when he and his wife are coming to dinner, inviting to him something going on in town, etc. diffuse what he's talking about by INVITING him. Your objective is to REPEL him. The more you seemingly want to draw him in the more he won't want that. He needs to keep emotional distance to preserve you as his problem.You need to render him "impotent" (something tells me you're work is already done for you). Bullies need a target. They need a reaction. Nothing takes the wind out of a bully's sails as someone one not taking them seriously. Don't give him a target to swing at -- which means just acting like you couldn't care less. Not talking about showing him genuine kindness, it will be lost on him. But leaving him with nothing to swing at. He threatens to bulldoze your fence, you smile, start walking away laughing and tell him to say hi to your wife. There, no fight. Nothing. Of course you document the interaction but you gave him nothing to do. Once it happens enough and he "can't get your goat", you'll see less of him. If he asks you direct question like "When are you getting rid of those roosters?" reply, "I was thinking about the same time you trade in that nasty, noisy, polluting riding mower for one of those push blade mower. Now would you like to come in for some cobbler?" Honestly, it will creep him out. Bullies need distance because they can't handle normal connected interaction with others. The more you act in a manner he can't stand, the less he'll bother you. It isn't easy, esp. when you want to add him to the compost pile. But its really the only way to deal with guys like that. The other is head on confrontation and then he'll always look for retribution. Being "easy, breezy" leaving him standing in the ring alone looking like a fool and it confounds any of his conjured up attempts to rile you up.

Or...have your friend with the dreds ask to borrow his riding mower to "clean" up your yard. Ha!
I had neighbors that would come to my property line when I lived in town and ask me why my dogs would bark at them when I wasn't home... I had an underground fencing system, so they stayed on my property, and it was rare that I left them out if I wasn't there. She would literally place her toes on the property line and lean over and yell my name! My Golden Retriever was the friendliest dog on the planet and he would bark to get their attention, then he would smile very widely and snort when they would look at him. He did this to everyone... He wanted attention. I tried to tell them to give him treats (I would supply them), and throw a ball for him a few times, but they were convinced he was "vicious". No matter how hard I tried to tell them that he wasn't, they were insistant. They told me once that they knew the difference between smiling and growling and that he was viciously growling at them. I asked them to please video tape him, because I was very concerned about it if he was in fact growling and that I would very much like to see that (since they claimed it only happened when I wasn't home). They never did come up with the video tape, but sent me a long letter about how they considerd themselves to be good neighbors (they turned me into the Humane Society once because they said my dogs were barking all day long... My dogs had been at work with me all week. They were ****** because they had come to my place of business and I wouldn't give them free service. They had conveniently "forgotten" their wallets and the report was filed the next day!), and that they would NEVER consider having a dog as vicious as mine, and oh by the way, my garage light (which was behind two other buildings and across a lawn from their house) shined right into their bedroom window and kept them awake all night. A friend of mine told me to tell them that was the only way my video camera would work! LOL..
Nasty neighbors suck!

I have great neighbors in the country now, and someone just down the road from me has a rooster. I can't wait to have my own rooster crowing in the morning!!
Wow, and here I thought all my issues would be solved if we just moved out to the country. I have not read the whole thread yet as kids are bickerering for computer time,but I did want to suggest a boundary survey along crabby neighbors side.Ensure you are where you belong THEN plant tall growing things. I have 15 foot corn that grows fast.Black bamboo that is slower.Got some miscnathus giganticus(sp) grass that should grow fast.Oh and some corkscrew willow that is pretty darn fast.Block him out.

Someone that threatens to kill one of your animals is a HORRIBLE person.Does he think you can be civil with him after he says such a thing? I would not start anything given that people kill over the simplest things.Ensure your lines and then go about your business all the while ignoring him.Just make sure nothing goes into his yard.Types like him might kill any animal in their yard,or they might toss poisoned food into yours.Be wary.

Stinging nettle in pots or large plantings is useful.You touch it you are in pain for a few hours.Glad to read you have a gun.Keep it loaded.The risks for a woman never ends.Hope he moves.Sounds like you need a few compost piles near his side.
I have some rows of broom corn planted that should get about 10-12 ft tall. I cant wait until it gets tall!! The head shaking in my direction is getting real old, I would prefer not to see it.

SCRAPS (local humane society) came out on Saturday. The woman was REALLY nice. She said that there was a report of "Severe Neglect." Seriously??!! After looking at the chickens, she shook her head and said I had the cleanest coop she had ever seen. Wanted to know if I would give lessons on proper ways to keep chickens. hehe. I asked her to make sure and have a good look at all the animals (horses and dogs) She looked around and told me everything looked great and it was a very healthy environment. I got a copy of the report to keep for my records. She said that she would let the neighbor know that everything checked out. Even though she couldn't tell me which neighbor called. hmmm I wonder who it was...?

The only odd thing that she said was about my mare that is about to foal. She asked when I planned to get her off the pasture? Now, I grew up on a ranch and all of our horses foaled on pasture with no help. I still do it that way and so does the rest of the family. We have never had a problem. Horses can take care of themselves. I do go out and imprint the foal the next day, and check everything out. She looked at me like I was crazy! She must be a person that keeps horses in a stall or something. Not that there is anything wrong with that! My horses just aren't kept that way. They prefer to break the ice in the creek in the winter to drinking out of the trough for goodness sakes.
Send him a flyer inviting him to the "defending your property" workshop and open house you are having. Followed by an instructional on "how to clean you shotgun" .

Lemonade and cupcakes will be served.

For the love of Pete...don't coddle this ignorant man... If a man slaps you in the cheek, bash him in the face with your fist!

The labor of love you do cannot be undermined by some ignorant Bufoon.

Go to your local police and explain to them what he said... Talk to your local elected officials and make them aware of this cad.
Yay!!!! Doesn't that feel good?! I had the same thing after the neighbor called the township on us for blight. Township came, said the yard was beautiful, wondered what I was planting in my garden and said the report was a waste of their time - case closed.
You know, every garden needs a couple of scarecrows. Once I used an upside down gallon milk carton with a face drawn on for the head. An old basketball works well, too. Face them his way, with really cool expressions on them.
Maybe position the hands as waving his way? hehehe. Hey, it's the country! Scarecrows are a tradition, aren't they?

And you know that mason's line, crisscrossed with CDs dangling so they can twist in the breeze, throwing reflections all over, helps keeps birds out of the garden, too. I have them over my uncovered chicken pens to keep hawks from being able to make a dive. I can just see his face when he gets a load of that setup.
Seriously, there is nothing unusual or spiteful about that-those are real tactics for real issues! Should give him a good country feeling.

Why folks move to a very rural area and try to make their properties look like tract house subdivisions is beyond me. That to me is what should be complained about.

~Before anyone gets their hackles up, I have been posting as a member in this thread, not a moderator.
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I am shocked. I would not do anything to make him like me. He wouldn't be getting ANY eggs! I would also write down dates/times of the threats and if anything happens, bring him to court.

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