Neighbor threatening to "take out my roosters"

No if you have a party do invite him because he'll just call the cops on a noise compliant or some such but make sure all the invites say some thing to the order of starts at 11 am lunch at noon, and send his to him (making sure he gets it the day before from the mailman) that lunch will be served and the party both starts at noon. that way he cannot have an additional grudge and won't show up before anyone else. the point is be polite and do everything to do such because there is no law against being polite, there are laws for non-polite behavior. he probably wouldn't show, but why risk making a bigger rift. besides if the neighbors see you as polite and friendly (and sending everyone home with some eggs) he looses his footing with any gripes he has against you with them and he also looses them as any form of having them as allies.
Jeeze this guy sounds like..almost everyone on my street lol! Is he from Cali? cuz that would explain alot
One day me and my sister in law were driving home and got stuck behind, a guy who lives on our street, driving like 5 mph on our road (the speed limit is 25mph) and when he went over the speed bump he almost stopped, thats how slow he was going. So my sister in law frustrated because there were other people behind us honked her horn. He got out of his car and yelled at us telling us we had not right to be on this road because it was a "private road" (obviously he has no idea what that actually means lol) even though we live there and probably longer than he has. Then he had the audacity to tell us to "mind the speed limit"
Then he let us pass him and started trying following us home!! My sister in law now enraged floored it and went the really long way home until we lost him. When my mom heard about this the man got an ear full, I can't repeat what she told him but it was along the lines of "If you ever yell at my kids again..."
and my two next door neighbors are no better unfortunantly
one told us we were weird and should have a reality show because we had bought two goats...The other used to spy on us and swear at us as children for playing outside and well being noisy as children are. And we're not bad neighbors, my mom used to leave chocolates at their door on holidays and be as nice as can be to them. They're just mean people who want everything to be exactly as they want it. Theres no laws here about children or chickens but they think there should be but since they can't do anything about it they act like jerks
Just tell him to buzz off. If what you're doing is legal he can't do squat so you have nothing to worry about. I would still do what the others were advising just incase he trys something fishy. Good luck to you and good job and standing your ground
Oh my gosh that is horrible!! Poor puppies, and you!
Well it was horrible yes, but at least were in a much better place!
But again, just be careful please

Guys like that are bullys who, I assume, think they can get away with anything.
Wow, and here I thought all my issues would be solved if we just moved out to the country. I have not read the whole thread yet as kids are bickerering for computer time,but I did want to suggest a boundary survey along crabby neighbors side.Ensure you are where you belong THEN plant tall growing things. I have 15 foot corn that grows fast.Black bamboo that is slower.Got some miscnathus giganticus(sp) grass that should grow fast.Oh and some corkscrew willow that is pretty darn fast.Block him out.

Someone that threatens to kill one of your animals is a HORRIBLE person.Does he think you can be civil with him after he says such a thing? I would not start anything given that people kill over the simplest things.Ensure your lines and then go about your business all the while ignoring him.Just make sure nothing goes into his yard.Types like him might kill any animal in their yard,or they might toss poisoned food into yours.Be wary.

Stinging nettle in pots or large plantings is useful.You touch it you are in pain for a few hours.Glad to read you have a gun.Keep it loaded.The risks for a woman never ends.Hope he moves.Sounds like you need a few compost piles near his side.
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I come from a different perspective and can't say my ideas are more wise than the others on rules or what shoulds?
I lived in the "acreage" in Florida, our neighbor had chickens and roosters. We each had an acre and a quarter.
The chickens never bothered me but to my husband they were a nemesis. He commented about them almost every day.
Our neighbors never knew and the day her husband was going to move the hen house he died w a heart attack out in the yard.

I think God wanted my husband to flow better with things he could not control and find a way of trusting God and letting him work in the dynamics.
Which to me is where I would advise you also.
Perhaps you speak quite often to God or maybe you think chickens are not that important. But he says I will open doors no man can shut and shut doors no man can open. He can soften your neighbor's heart or harden it so much he sells his property.

But the greatest benefit is you did not have to change your kindness or your good nature.

When Noah's neighbors were rotten he built an arc and gave them time to change, it was God who shut the door so Noah would never have that on his conscious.

Much compassion for you and your situation.
Kay Trenschel

I learned something from you, THANK YOU!
Hang in there and don't let him get the best of you. Our pets are like family members. Don't threaten my family. Like someone else said, I would file a police report. Not to file charges, but have it on record that he did threaten your animals. Chances are they will send someone out to talk to him. That might deter him from doing anything. Best of luck with this jerk!

I have a lot more suggestions. This is a family site. So I better keep those ideas to myself.
I wish neighbors like that man would think, or even care, about how he's making a young woman feel, threatened and bullied on her own private property.

After people like him get their way and sit back, all smug and self-satisfied, do they even give one single thought to how their bullied neighbor then feels every day after that? He should feel some serious shame about his behavior, but seems to me that's what's missing in this world now-empathy for others. The human heart truly sickens me at times.
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