Neighbor's bird's on my property exposed to eye conjunctivitis and or possibly avian flu.. what do I do?

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Because I wear a mask all the time, I could just do nothing. Leave my bird feeder up and not play God and intervene. Maybe the diseased house finch with what appears to have eye conjunctivitis won't effect the other birds and maybe the little house finch will survive and who am I to kill anything or stop feeding anything since I didn't cre4ate the bird to begin with? Would it be my fault if I simply did nothing?
It would be the neighbor's fault for letting the chickens there in the first place.

If I understand this right, you do not have any chickens of your own, right? If not, then having a bird feeder there is not a problem.
So then what's the problem again?
At the beginning of this post they wanted to keep the chickens off their property but they didn't want to contact the owner of the chickens or build anything to keep them away.

The chickens have been exposed to a wild bird with eye Conjunctivitis, so they were worried about that.

Now they don't want to do anything about it and let it be. If the chickens remain on their land and get sick and die then so be it.

That is pretty much a summary of the problem.
I guess there's nothing wrong ...Ive already trained myself to wear a mask for like the past four years so its easiest to just let my stupid neighbors risk their own demise. I'll let bygones be bygones and if my neighbor's catch the avian flu then it was of their own doing. Thanks for everybody's replies.
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