Neighbor's chickens are freezing to's really bothering me..

Shim's mom :

Honeydoll- Are there others besides the two roosters?

I'm glad to hear the Meanie has shelter. He is lucky that he is your neighbor and not someone else's. So are the human's who allow their animals to terrorize you. Whatever you decide to do with Meanie, he is much better off now.

Ozzie, the little white banty rooster, is still out tonight.I almost caught him but he is faster than I am; apparently smarter, too. He was near our porch, shivering...doesn't have any frostbite yet but it is going to be another 10 degree night with high winds and maybe another 3 inches of snow. I normally love living in the mountains but not tonight.

Does anyone have more chicken catching tricks?

Ya, they had 8 total. Not sure how many are left, haven't seen them in over a week.​
Yay honeydoll! I'm so glad you got Mr. M outta the cold! I'm glad you heard the distant crow too! Hopefully the other roo and the mia hens will be ok. You are truly a special person!

Thanks Laura. I think you've officially made it on my favorite poster list. Aww.. Just being a little silly there. But thanks for your support. It really means alot.
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Good News!

We set up a cage, propped the door open, and put food inside. Sparrows were visiting it all day but Ozzie, the little smartie, kept running away whenever he saw me. My husband came home with groceries (we're preparing for a big snowstorm) and when he saw the little guy was inside eating, dropped the groceries, ran over and slammed the door shut! My husband is my hero!

I feel so relieved...I now have a rooster and 3 hens safely in a dog house and 1 hen setting on an egg and two roosters crowing away in my basement... so everyone is safe and warm.

Thank you to all who offered suggestions and encouragement. Now I can concentrate on learning about how to keep chickens in more normal circumstances- at least I don't have to think about what kind i"ll get; I just have to figure out what I have!

Honeydoll: Special thanks to you for posting here about your rescue operation and also for being such a compassionate person.

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