Hurt wing and blueish comb on my roo šŸ„²


In the Brooder
Oct 7, 2023
Sooooo my bantam roo has multiple issues. But im mainly concerned about his blueing comb and hurt wing.
Saturday i noticed he just looked sad an off, looked him over didnt see anything wrong. So I let them out to free range he ran right along with his litter mates.

The following day he still looked off, his tail was down so i grabbed him again, noticed his comb tips were slightly purple/ i put him in quarantine pen in my basement. Gave him some poultry cell.

He has been drinking fine. Has not been eating a super lot but is eating.

Today, i noticed he has mites on his tail feathers that werent on Saturday or yesterday when i inspected him. I dusted him in the powder i have on hand and getting some elector psp from a neighborhood friend tomorrow i hope. I also noticed today that he is not moving his right wing at all. He flapped his other one trying to stabilize himself and i can see hes not holding it up like his left wing. Idk how he would have got hurt, they were stuck inside their run for 10 days due to snow. He wasnt attacked, him and the other roo are perfect together.

Suggestions on what to do about the wing? Can I wrap it up, maybe it will heal? He doesnt flinch or act like it hurts at all when i touch it or move it.

I'm more worried he will die anyway due to the blue comb/lack of o2 its prob from. My other millie bantam roo passed away this way. So when i saw him looking down and sad i was immediately worried. I cant buy antibiotics for my farm animals without a RX now, which also limits my options.

A vet visit is not an option for me unfortunately šŸ„²
When the comb is only darkened on the tips, it's usually due to emotional reasons - stress, physical discomfort, or just being in a bad mood. In this manner the comb is a mood indicator. A comb that is uniformly darkened is call for concern. This can mean cardio/pulmonary issues or general organ failure. It's accompanied by extreme lethargy.

Is he dropping the right wing straight down? Have you manipulated this wing to see if he can move it at all? You need to do this to determine if the wing is paralyzed or if he's merely favoring it. The two can have widely different causes. Gently left the wing and extend it slowly. Release it and see if he retracts the wing or if it drops down as if unconnected to muscle.

Take this opportunity to examine every bit of his wing for signs of bruising or cuts or broken feathers.
Please post photos.

A video of his actions may be helpful - upload video to youtube and provide a link.

He has mites or lice?

Please look at the wing for signs of injury/cuts/bruising. Look the whole rooster over for signs of injury.

How old is he and what do you feed?
When the comb is only darkened on the tips, it's usually due to emotional reasons - stress, physical discomfort, or just being in a bad mood. In this manner the comb is a mood indicator. A comb that is uniformly darkened is call for concern. This can mean cardio/pulmonary issues or general organ failure. It's accompanied by extreme lethargy.

Is he dropping the right wing straight down? Have you manipulated this wing to see if he can move it at all? You need to do this to determine if the wing is paralyzed or if he's merely favoring it. The two can have widely different causes. Gently left the wing and extend it slowly. Release it and see if he retracts the wing or if it drops down as if unconnected to muscle.

Take this opportunity to examine every bit of his wing for signs of bruising or cuts or broken feathers.
He drops it right down. Doesnt try to pull it away from me. I see no cuts, bruising or missing feathers.
Please post photos.

A video of his actions may be helpful - upload video to youtube and provide a link.

He has mites or lice?

Please look at the wing for signs of injury/cuts/bruising. Look the whole rooster over for signs of injury.

How old is he and what do you feed?
I will have to post a video when im home from works today.

He seems to have mites on his tail feathers. I dont see them anywhere else on him.

No signs of injury on the wing, no cuts, bruising. No signs of injury on his whole body.

They eat an all flock pellet with sunflower seed and or corn. Get poultry cell in their water a few times a week.

He is 6 months old.
It's likely neurological if he isn't able to fold the wing or move it. How is that leg on that side? Any limp?

Until we see more symptoms, I would treat him with vitamin E with selenium or egg to aid absorption. B-complex may also help restore nerve function.

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