Neighbor's chickens are freezing to's really bothering me..

I agree with jjthink I'd just go for it and rescue the poor boy
forget about the whole stealing part you are NOT stealing anything you are rescuing him. After you catch him and briing him into a nice warm place then go tell the neighbors you got him out of the tree and brought him in where he can stay nice and warm. It breaks my heart to think the other birds froze to death and I wouldn't be able to sleep a wink knowing a poor lonesome rooster psycho or not is out there suffering like that
I bet if you did get him down and brought him into your home and pampered him for awhile he would be ever so greatful and probably not as vicious as he has been, heck he probably doesn't have the strength to attack anything at this point.
I feel bad for you Honeydoll! I know that I would want to get him inside too. It is too bad that it is so cold or you could spray him out of the tree with the hose...(it worked on an escaped parrot at the shop once) Well, AND if you had water! I feel your pain--our water freezes too! My DH would not help with something like that either so dont give him too much hassle...:/Will the bird come down if you put out some food that he can see? Then you could drop a net on him or a sheet. Good luck--it is supposed to warm up a bit by Wednesday...Terri O
My old flock before my house fire did the same thing.. We tried everything to get them to come in .. Finaly ended up having to know them out of the tree at night and shut em in the coop for a week .. Never had anymore issues after that...
Ya, I know. Can't wait till hubby talks to him. The neighbor's DW hates this roo anyway and wants it dead. Her daughter is the real kink in the system withthem freely hading it over I think. She freaked when we offered to process him because she is a 10 yr. old vegetarian who abviously runs the show more than I realized. She quit coming over to play with my son after that because she says he's an animal killer, so I don't think she'' let her mom and dad give it away to my son who she now thinks she is better than because we kill our meaties. Her parents are still very nice to us, well the man anyway, is the lady is a bit stand offish since we processed our meaties. So I think as a matter of pride the daughter will not let us have the chicken. Granted she is just a 10 yr. old child, but it just aggravates me they let them just die to make this girl happy.
Someone should really talk to her.

But something to keep in mind is because she's only 10 years old, maybe that rooster is like her pet or something and she cares about him, even if he's mean? And I'm sure if that was the case, she wouldn't want you to eat him. Although if she really cared for him, she wouldn't let him freeze to death. But again, she's a 10 year old...that's still young, although she should know by now how could it really is for that poor rooster...depends on how she was raised, really. Obviously, she was raised to be against animal cruelty by being a Vegetarian, but she wasn't taught how to really care for animals, especially her own.

Maybe try to find out if the rooster is her pet or something? Maybe she cares about him but just doesn't understand what's best for him...staying out in the cold or having a nice, warm home. I'm not gonna lie, with me being a Vegetarian as well, I would first try to find a better home for him rather than process him if I were you. But that's just me; I look for better solutions before ending an animal's life.

Good luck!
You know, you don't have to look at this as "stealing" at all; you are doing all concerned a HUGE favor by rescuing and caring for him. It's obvious you care about the little guy, and if it would ease your mind about "taking" him, just plan to give him back come springtime. My heart goes out to you!
Honeydoll, if you can't catch the roo yourself and they will not surrender him/them to you call the SPCA and/or the local authorities. This is animal cruelty and should not be tolerated! Animals can not speak for themselves. Someone must be their voice.
I'll do something, I promise, and before the roo dies. It will be within the next couple of hours, I have taken my time about it because I hate causing trouble for others. It just has a way of coming back on you, that is my hesitation.
Who is feeding this bird? Whose property is he living on? I don't think anyone can claim that you're trying to steal something that has chosen to live with you.

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