Neighbors complain...

Sometimes I think it is a personality thing! My barred rocks are fairly quiet and two of my buff orps are OK but one of them makes up for all the rest. The first time she laid and egg I came running out thinking something was attacking the whole flock!

Even now I can tell when she is doing her thing. She thinks everybody should know and celebrate!

Worse still she gets the res going and they stand there cheering her on! It gets pretty noisy. My EE (who sadly passed away this fall) was silent. Not a sound, not once.
My youngest RIR hen has recently begun yelling at the top of her lungs every morning. She has the loudest darn squawk I've ever heard on a hen and if she keeps it up I'll be having her with a nice side of mashed potatos soon. I'm not even supposed to have chickens and I think she's trying to get me busted
My EEs are very quiet. They don't even sing the egg song when they lay an egg. Just quiet continual clucking and purring noises--it is cute.
my cochins are quiet, and good layers---one is VERY broody, though. MY porcelain d'uccles are quiet but lay a tiny egg! The two "mutt" chicken i have are soooooo loud when they lay an egg, bak bak baaaakkkk! ANd they run back and forth flapping around and jumping---the others just sit back and look at them like they are crazy! They do make beautiful large light brown eggs though....
My EE's are very quiet as well as the australorps. Maybe it's because they aren't laying yet. They'll do the occasional purr but that's about it.
my cochin hens are very quiet..
the cochin rooster doesnt crow near as much as my bantie roos do,, but he still crows..
my loudest HENS???? i would say my mixed breed,, and my one wyandott...
It seems like the neighbor is also a bit of a problem for complaining. Try to soften them up with fresh, delicious, home-layed eggs...
. Another thing to make them like the chickens, you should introduce the neighbors to your chickens, and maybe they will think they are so amazing(they are, who can't resist a li'l chicken?!
) and get some of their own! It doesn't really answer your questoin, but I thought it might help a little...

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