Neighbors complain...


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 19, 2009
Rancho Cucamonga
I had 2 banty hens that became extremely noisy, and I had to give them away. They crowed like roosters at all times, even 4 in the morning! To be honest, I might have wanted to get rid of them myself! I have a half acre back yard and want to get more chickens for egg production, not meat. Which breeds are quiet and lay well? They will have the run of the yard and a secure house at night, and I would like to have freindlier ones that won't chase my kids (the way the banties sometimes did).

My buff orpington is fairly quiet & since this ?'s been asked before it seems to be the consensus, others will hopefully confirm....
I think it all depends on the hen's personality. when we had our red and black stars they were so loud! even if they werent laying an egg. I used to run outside and start yelling at them! My EE was loud when she would lay but after we got rid of the the two sex-links she is very quiet. I guess they were seeing who was the loudest lol.
Buff orpington chickens may be quiet, but HOLY COW is my buff orpington duck the loudest darn thing EVER!!!

I swear, she is in love with the sound of her own quack.
I have not noticed any of our brown-gold-red-black sexlinks to be noisy. Our neighbors on either side of us have roosters and those are noisy but we are in the county and livestock noise is eggspected.

Its to bad that you just cant get rid of your neighbors.
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My EEs and Barred rock are quiet.. but my AuLorp is LOUD. I also think a chickens tendency to chatter loudly has to do with who else is loud... one of my EEs is very vocal and I thought she was noisy until I had to remove the AuLorp for a few days.. then they all got so quiet it was like they weren't even back there!
I had a barred rock that sounded like a dying monkey every morning, I think she was trying to be the roo.. We finally got rid of her because our nieghbor was complaining.

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