Neighbors Dog is Digging Into My Yard!

If you happen to have extra metal t-stakes hanging around, you can buy some time by pounding a few into each tunnel. As he loosens them you can give them a few whacks deeper into the ground. Might hold him off while you figure out your permanent solution. Harbor freight sells a solar electric fence setup. I don't have any votes for quality, but i have seen them there.
Dig a cattle fence in to the ground. Put another one on top. They’re about $25 dollars for 16 feet. Dig a deep channel. Pound the first ones into the ground. Fill back up. And then put cattle fence on the ground. Use the top cattle fence to add nice slats over time. Bit by bit you get a fence no dog can dig under, go through or jump over. Want it even easier? That may be very mean but you can break bottles, put them into the ground on your side. Now if he tries to dig through, it will be the neighbors problem. In order to keep their dog from getting hurt, they’ll have to secure it themselves. i know it sounds cruel, but it’s way more cruel to let the dog kill your chickens.
Hi everyone! I am having an issue with my neighbors dog & I was hoping for some ideas/ feedback/ information if anyone has dealt with this issue before.

My neighbors dog will not stop digging at the fence line and into my yard. He is a German Shepherd/ Husky who can fit it entire head and front limbs under the chain link fence. He is left outside all day, without supervision or toys (I have tossed him over quite a few balls and sticks because I feel sorry for the guy) and he has decided that trying to catch my chickens is how he entertains himself.

I have tried talking to my neighbors about it and they deflect responsibly, have no solutions, and are just generally hostile about the situation. So no help there!

What are steps I can take to protect my chickens? We are currently waiting on a contractor to build a privacy fence, but I don’t know that this will deter him in the long term. So- any ideas of how to protect them in the meantime? We have filled the holes in our side, buried rocks/ blocked the fence he had bent, put up particle board as a visual barrier in strategic spots already. I maintain it daily as he finds a way to move the rocks (they’re so big!! How does he do that?). I am looking for something more permanent on my end, that isn’t going to cost us an arm & a leg, and that I don’t need to maintain daily.

Any ideas are so very appreciated. I just want my chickens to be safe, thank you ❤
Dust the area liberally with red pepper dust or flakes. My Siberian hates it and stops digging where I put it
Electric fence at the bottom of the chain link.... get one graded for cattle. Dont put it directly on the fence.... a few inches on your side. He will quit when he hits that a couple times. Unless you want to lake the time to train him.... and it CAN be done from the other side of the fence.
The electric fence wont hurt him... but it WILL get his attention.
Wouldn't that be a risk for the chickens?
Hi everyone! I am having an issue with my neighbors dog & I was hoping for some ideas/ feedback/ information if anyone has dealt with this issue before.

My neighbors dog will not stop digging at the fence line and into my yard. He is a German Shepherd/ Husky who can fit it entire head and front limbs under the chain link fence. He is left outside all day, without supervision or toys (I have tossed him over quite a few balls and sticks because I feel sorry for the guy) and he has decided that trying to catch my chickens is how he entertains himself.

I have tried talking to my neighbors about it and they deflect responsibly, have no solutions, and are just generally hostile about the situation. So no help there!

What are steps I can take to protect my chickens? We are currently waiting on a contractor to build a privacy fence, but I don’t know that this will deter him in the long term. So- any ideas of how to protect them in the meantime? We have filled the holes in our side, buried rocks/ blocked the fence he had bent, put up particle board as a visual barrier in strategic spots already. I maintain it daily as he finds a way to move the rocks (they’re so big!! How does he do that?). I am looking for something more permanent on my end, that isn’t going to cost us an arm & a leg, and that I don’t need to maintain daily.

Any ideas are so very appreciated. I just want my chickens to be safe, thank you ❤
Hi everyone! I am having an issue with my neighbors dog & I was hoping for some ideas/ feedback/ information if anyone has dealt with this issue before.

My neighbors dog will not stop digging at the fence line and into my yard. He is a German Shepherd/ Husky who can fit it entire head and front limbs under the chain link fence. He is left outside all day, without supervision or toys (I have tossed him over quite a few balls and sticks because I feel sorry for the guy) and he has decided that trying to catch my chickens is how he entertains himself.

I have tried talking to my neighbors about it and they deflect responsibly, have no solutions, and are just generally hostile about the situation. So no help there!

What are steps I can take to protect my chickens? We are currently waiting on a contractor to build a privacy fence, but I don’t know that this will deter him in the long term. So- any ideas of how to protect them in the meantime? We have filled the holes in our side, buried rocks/ blocked the fence he had bent, put up particle board as a visual barrier in strategic spots already. I maintain it daily as he finds a way to move the rocks (they’re so big!! How does he do that?). I am looking for something more permanent on my end, that isn’t going to cost us an arm & a leg, and that I don’t need to maintain daily.

Any ideas are so very appreciated. I just want my chickens to be safe, thank you ❤
Electric fence on the neighbors side. A good strong one!
I popped in to look at the thread and can't tell if you're serious or not XD
Many people claim this really works. 😁 I have never had luck with hot pepper deterring dogs, but be aware that chickens LOVE hot pepper which will only serve to attract them to the fence, enticing the dog even more! Personally, I would first call Animal Control, explain what is happening and that you have spoken to the neighbors numerous times. Ask if they could please force the owners of the dog to install appropriate fencing on their side of the property to protect your animals/yard. You may be surprised at how understanding and helpful they will be. They will also know the rules/restrictions in your area concerning electric fencing and may be able to offer suitable suggestions.
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Dust the area liberally with red pepper dust or flakes. My Siberian hates it and stops digging where I put it
Worked for my mom, too. She used red chili flakes, like they use in italian restaurants. Dogs used to use the front of our place of worship as a bathroom and the grass and sidewalk were covered with poopbombs. It was disgusting. She started red peppering the half-block, and they found a new spot.
You could dig down under the fence a few feet and bury metal pieces to block his digging. Maybe bricks would work too. He's not being treated fairly or well by his owners and that is a problem. Poor dog. You could talk to the Humane Society and see what they say. If there is neglect they can take the dog from the owners. Good luck.
Wouldn't that be a risk for the chickens?
The glass: No, Only large enough pieces of glass that go deeper in the ground for when he digs a hole large enough to let him through. And the fence: No, no danger. And covered with slats on your own side will keep the chickens from sticking their head through. How long is the area we're talking about?
The total immediate cost is the length of the property line there, divided by 16ft. (1 panel is 16 ft) If you want the panels underground too, it's the double amount of panels. Over time you can add your slats to create something that looks very nice.

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