Neighbors dog

2 strands may not work. I use electric with my fence I have for my livestock. We have two strands at the bottom and one strand up top. Keeps everything in except my silkies who just duck under and slip through the fencing. But it does keep most of the predators out.

I also have 2 livestock guardian dogs and they are contained either in with the goats, the back pen or with the wireless fence collars. You do have to train the dogs to the wireless fence system. Once the dogs get a zap they learn fast where they can and can't go. We have left them out all night. They never left the property. We are only on 2 acres.
2 strands may not work. I use electric with my fence I have for my livestock. We have two strands at the bottom and one strand up top. Keeps everything in except my silkies who just duck under and slip through the fencing. But it does keep most of the predators out. 

I also have 2 livestock guardian dogs and they are contained either in with the goats, the back pen or with the wireless fence collars. You do have to train the dogs to the wireless fence system. Once the dogs get a zap they learn fast where they can and can't go. We have left them out all night. They never left the property. We are only on 2 acres. 

We looked into the collars but they're just too pricey for the limited time our dogs are outside. They are inside dogs that just go out to potty. And they definitely aren't livestock dogs (sadly)... My dog (avatar photo) would LOVE it if I was so thoughtless as to let her out with the chickens. She's been dying to get at them since we got them.
I think we're gonna go with a 5' tall 4 strand fence mainly for the dogs benefit and keep feathers clipped down so that maybe the chickens will be contained as well. If anything, maybe they'll be smart enough to realize the neighbor dog can't eat them inside the fence (fingers crossed but not holding my breath).
I'm hoping I have access to some free t-posts and I found a decent prices charger at Jeffers. Gonna try to make this an under $50 project
I also have 2 livestock guardian dogs and they are contained either in with the goats, the back pen or with the wireless fence collars. You do have to train the dogs to the wireless fence system. Once the dogs get a zap they learn fast where they can and can't go. We have left them out all night. They never left the property. We are only on 2 acres. 

What breed of dogs do you have as lgds? I looked into them before we got Juno and I LOVED the Great Pyrs but it's so hot here I couldn't justify having a dog like that in the 100+ heat
It may take a few days but one or two of the birds hitting the fence and getting zapped will teach them to respect the fence. Same goes for the dogs and even strange dogs that do not belong will learn. .

As for the collar systems yes they are pricey and I was not really suggesting you get one, but more a side note. I have seen people get the systems and say they don't work, because they put the collar on the dog and put the dog out. Instead of training the dog to the collar and the boundaries for the collar. You have to spend a few weeks training the dogs to the collar. It is not like the electric stranded fence that will stop them. The collar makes some run harder and some breeds will ignore the zap and continue on to what they want.

The only reason we have the dogs on the collars here is we have a cemetery next door that both dogs seem to think is theirs to protect. I often have to put them in a pen or in the house during services cause they have scared a few people. They are the biggest babies unless you try to harm me, the kids or the other critters.
Had a guy be stupid and even after I told him not to he reach over the fence to pet the dogs. Luckily both my dogs looked at me with the "is this guy really that dumb?" and ignored him, but kept an eye on him while he was here. General rule is never ever reach over or through a fence where a livestock dog is. You most likely will get bit.
It may take a few days but one or two of the birds hitting the fence and getting zapped will teach them to respect the fence. Same goes for the dogs and even strange dogs that do not belong will learn. .

As for the collar systems yes they are pricey and I was not really suggesting you get one, but more a side note. I have seen people get the systems and say they don't work, because they put the collar on the dog and put the dog out. Instead of training the dog to the collar and the boundaries for the collar. You have to spend a few weeks training the dogs to the collar. It is not like the electric stranded fence that will stop them. The collar makes some run harder and some breeds will ignore the zap and continue on to what they want. 

The only reason we have the dogs on the collars here is we have a cemetery next door that both dogs seem to think is theirs to protect. I often have to put them in a pen or in the house during services cause they have scared a few people. They are the biggest babies unless you try to harm me, the kids or the other critters.
Had a guy be stupid and even after I told him not to he reach over the fence to pet the dogs. Luckily both my dogs looked at me with the "is this guy really that dumb?" and ignored him, but kept an eye on him while he was here. General rule is never ever reach over or through a fence where a livestock dog is. You most likely will get bit. 

My mother in law has a rottie she tried to train on the perimeter collar. She's done it successfully with past dogs (rotties as well. It "her breed" lol) and she knows the drill but the current one just blows through it and doesn't act like its even there... She's given up with him. It works great with some dogs and not with others. She offered to let us borro it with ours but I didn't see the use since they don't stay out enough.
And I know what you mean. They are working dogs and while they're not vicious and mean like people think of a guard dog, they do their duty and keep what they see as potential threats away. A friend dogsat for a man that had great Pyrs and border collies as sheep dogs when I was younger and he told me "they're not pets. Don't mess with them. And don't look at the sheep. Just check the water and leave them alone." I'd love a dog like that. I love things with purpose =]
Gonna have to look up Meremma Sheepdog. I had a GP mixed with a golden retriever that we got from the shelter but she wasn't housebroken and tore up our mattress one day while we were gone to work and then we have no fence and she took off when we went out one day and was never seen or heard from again.
I work with my two every day. I go out and feed all the critters. Including the dogs. After the dogs finish their meal I take them out to the one area and I work with them.

The Maremma is 2 and I still work with him daily. He is funny. I tell him to do something and yes, he grumbles and complains as he is obeying. So much the teenage rebel. The Great Pyre is only 9 months old so she is still learning. She is smart and quick to pick up on new commands. She is learning commands in English, German, Gaelic and hand commands. The other day I used a command in German that I have not taught her. She did exactly what I wanted her to do. Now it could be she has heard me give the same command to the other one and seen what he did and put the sounds with the deed. Even when I mess up the command and give the wrong one they usually know what I wanted.

Now my one neighbor being a smartie gave the german command for speak when the dogs were barking at him. So instead of going quiet like he wanted both dogs went ape with the barking. He was fuming. All I could do was walk away and laugh. Seeing as he will be gone in a few more months I am not worried about his wants and such. Yes, I am being a bad neighbor, but I have put up with way too much from him and his to even care at this point. Never get the Irish woman so peeved that she does not care any longer.

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