Neighbors dog


7 Years
Mar 16, 2012
I used to have a beautiful flock of free ranging Rouen Ducks but the neighbors dog killed all but one a while back. They returned my lonely wounded duck in thier dog kennel and left her on my porch. They denied their dog killed the ducks even though three dead ducks were in thier yard and they pried the wounded one out of the dogs mouth. I got more ducks and again a massacre. I have 4 survivors left which also survived a mink attack. I fenced in the ducks yard and keep them locked up in a chainlink kennel at night. Now in broad daylight this stupid dog sneaks in the yard and heads over to the duck pen. We put up a large fence on the neighbors side of the property and he continues to go around it and try to get to the ducks again! We have a loaded shotgun near the window but I really don't wan't to shoot thier dog. I am sooo frustrated!!! I do have some pretty knarly mink traps.........
Can you catch him? Do so, and paint a large bulls eye target on his side, centered on his heart and write "Last Warning". Then send him home.

While it is their responsibility to keep their dog on their own property, you need to consider that you need to protect your animals. That is part of your responsibility that you accepted when you got them. Fence the rest of the yard where they are.
I would say document everything just in case. Get a police report and video the dog. Really if you don't want to shoot it your limited to it becomes labeled as a nuisance. But be sure to have everything documented in case they try to sue like most people like to do know a days. Also make sure your area it is legal to shoot animals harming livestock. And if any of your other neighbors have poultry or fowl see if they've had issues. If they have it would make police/animal control more willing to help your situation.
I do like the bullseye idea!! I did have the state trooper investigate the second time and took a lot of pictures. The trooper said I legally could shoot the dog but I don't think I would want to live next door to them afterwards. One of their kids said if we shot their dog they were going to shoot my kid!!! The trooper had to do something about that also but it was just "kids being kids". We do have a paintball gun and I doubt the dog would dare come back if we nailed him a few times with that. Guess I got more fencing to do. I live on an acre- oh boy.
I want to share my story of a similar nature..................... 1990

I AM the one who DID shoot the neighbors dog. Of course that was after 12 complaints, at least another 12 warnings and then I had, had it! Not only had this dog killed several of my chickens, ducks and almost took down a new foal. The police wouldn't do anything to help me.
So I shot the dam dog. I was told I had killed him. Of course I was a bit confused because it wasn't a kill shot (yes I was that good) I hit him in the hind quarters. An eviction notice later (landlord and owner of mutt were best friends) a 500.00 vet bill and the dog came back to life and was roaming in his yard.
I refused to pay the bill, fought with the landlord to the point of getting ready to shoot him in the hind quarters too! Had to move and to add to the whole frustration had my guns taken by the Sheriffs dept. You guessed it. I was ready to shoot all of them at this point.

This is one of those situations that has no win to the whole thing. Your going to have to file the restraining order and let them know about the threats to you and your child. Get their guns removed (the threat alone will make that happen). File a small claims action for the loss of your animals and demand that they either tie the dog up. or find him a new home. He is not a farm dog. He is in fact a danger to everyone's stock.

I really like the paintball idea, BUT I have a feeling the repercussion will be worse. The laws have changed a lot. A persons personal property has higher value to it now than it used to. Back then, all I heard was "It's just a chicken" Or "he hardly made a mark on that foal" I have a bit higher hopes that the law now will force your neighbors hand in the whole thing, and I would imagine they might have to get rid of the dog.
OH one more thing.... Try to catch the little beast and call animal control. They will come out and remove the dog and document the incident. That will get it to a judge real fast!
Good luck, keep us informed.
While I fully advocate shooting the dog, it's easy to say that when I don't have to live next door to them after I kill their pet. Perhaps a more humane solution would be to invest in a humane type trap, bait it with something the dog would like, then bring the "found" dog to a humane society that's like four counties over from wherever you live. Hopefully the dog isn't microchipped, and it will be adopted out to a family that takes better care of it. Then practice your poker face and say you have no idea what happened to their dog (which is true - after you drop it off at the pound, you'll have no idea what happened to it).
Another suggestion would be to run a hot wire around your property or enclosure- one strand should be enough to deter a dog, and it's way cheaper than a full fence. The main problem is that once the dog has learned that you have delicious treats roaming around your yard, it will keep coming back without some sort of negative reinforcement.
SSS seems like the solution.Roamers disappear.Roamers get hit by vehicles.Roamers get shot.You generally don't want to kill a neighbors pet and then announce it to them.Catch the dog with some treats and take it away.Looks like YOU will be blamed anyway should the dog come up missing,injured, or dead.Just keep denying.Owners who let pets roam are really dumb to think they are safe.
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Well, you can't shoot it now, as they seem like JUST the type to hurt you and your loved ones.

I would put out some "Raccoon Surprise" at this point. Kills fast. Then take the body somewhere off your property, like the side of the road, so it would appear the dog was hit by a car.

You've warned them too many times, and it didn't work. They don't care enough for their dog to protect it by keeping it at home. Why should you want to protect a predator? Be prepared for them to get another dog that they let run, also. Some people are THICK.

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