Neighbors let their aggressive dog free in our yard

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Couldn’t she being on HIS property done what he asked? Or taken the dog home ? Or put the dog in the car? Lots of options. Why lock your chickens up? They LIVE there.

And not really fair to continue to not do what someone requests in their own home.

Yeah, that's all true too but why should she have to put the dog away when it's a fun girl's night thing and everyone else has their dogs? Not really fair (or safe) to leave the dog locked in a car either.

But I wasn't trying to be judgemental or argue. Yes she should have called her dog back and done what he asked so she's definitely in the wrong too cause I wouldn't have let my dog go so far away and get in that situation to begin with. But I'm just saying, there's also a lot more options than threatening to shoot it for being a dog.

And yes the chickens live there and I get wanting to let them free range, mine love it and it's good for them, but I'm just saying if they're that rare and you're that concerned about them and know people with dogs are coming over, it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side and lock them up for a couple hours.

Some people won't agree with that and that's fine but I'm just saying what I would do in that situation. As much as mine love free ranging, I would much rather be on the safe side and lock them up. Especially if they were rare but mine aren't and are just pets.

But think of it if they weren't chickens. If they were dogs. If someone was scared of dogs or allergic or you had an aggressive dog, would you say too bad and just leave him out? Probably not. No different imo.

But there's lots of different options and one of them isn't more right than the other.
That’s a person....this is a dog. Sorry you don’t see the difference.

There actually is something more right. It’s right to have proper dog ownership. If the dog needs to be kept close. Then keep her close. If you bring an animal to someone’s house or anywhere you have control at all times. That’s what right.
okay hold up. this conversation seems to be heating up a bit. I respect everyone on this forum, but remember, we are here to help someone who needs advice. and, currently, that's not something that is even being discussed. you both have different opinions and that OKAY.
As a huge dog and chicken lover (along with pigs, ducks, cats, etc... gotta love the critters), I think that there is really an order of operations depending on the poor behavior of said trespassing dog. Dogs are dogs. It's not their fault if their owners are idiots. That being said, there are just plain bad dogs. If a neighbor's dog came onto my property and stood its ground and snarled at me or threatened my birds/family etc, the course of action would be as follows:
First incident: speak politely to neighbor (I always introduce myself to new neighbors - always good to gauge what type of folks they are)
Second incident: speak to neighbor again but be less polite. Maybe let them know that you really don't want to get animal control involved, but you will if necessary.
Third incident: file a report with animal control. Tell neighbor that if their dog is caught on property threatening livestock or yourself/family/etc. that it won't be leaving.

90% of my neighbors are awesome, but there are some folks down the road that are just plain trash. They had dogs running all over the place. Random people living in tents and trailers on their property. Caught one dog on top of my duck pen tearing apart my run. Caught one trying to dig under the coop to get in. Caught one with my freaking hen its mouth (she survived and still cranking today). I had repeatedly spoken to these people. I felt bad because the main problem dog was just young and actually very friendly with people, but I had had enough. I marched over to their house and lost my cool. Informed them that if the dogs are seen on my property again, they are DEAD. Simple as that. My language was less refined and I was literally shaking with rage, but they got the point. Also called animal control and filed multiple reports. In addition to that, reported the conditions the dogs were living in. Week later, no dogs.

Every situation is different and really only you have a handle on what type of people your neighbors are. I truly hope it works out with no hard feelings on either side.
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okay hold up. this conversation seems to be heating up a bit. I respect everyone on this forum, but remember, we are here to help someone who needs advice. and, currently, that's not something that is even being discussed. you both have different opinions and that OKAY.
Typical 'dog attack' thread here, every one of them turns into a pages long ranting argumentative free for all. Guessing the OP here will never be back to continue their story(not that I blame them)...also typical, SMH.
I have been on both ends of this. Once the dog next door came right into the center of my 110 acre farm and was chasing my chickens up to one side of the run and then down to the other. I know he would have hurt them had they been free-ranging. Another time, my two dogs went off my property and did the same to neighboring birds. I told my one neighbor about their dog, and I found that they did not even realize he was gone that day, and henceforth he has been tied. When my dogs went out, the neighbors did not tell us until months later that they were mad. This irritated me because if they had a problem with my animals, they should have just told me, and I would have taken care of it. It irritated me more that they hadnt told me than than it would have if they had mentioned the problem right away. So, I would just straight up tell them (politely) that their dog is being a bit of a problem, and see how they react. If they do not do anything, then maybe gettng a bit more stern is nessesary.
I have been on both ends of this. Once the dog next door came right into the center of my 110 acre farm and was chasing my chickens up to one side of the run and then down to the other. I know he would have hurt them had they been free-ranging. Another time, my two dogs went off my property and did the same to neighboring birds. I told my one neighbor about their dog, and I found that they did not even realize he was gone that day, and henceforth he has been tied. When my dogs went out, the neighbors did not tell us until months later that they were mad. This irritated me because if they had a problem with my animals, they should have just told me, and I would have taken care of it. It irritated me more that they hadnt told me than than it would have if they had mentioned the problem right away. So, I would just straight up tell them (politely) that their dog is being a bit of a problem, and see how they react. If they do not do anything, then maybe gettng a bit more stern is nessesary.
Couldn't you have just locked the chickens up?
Yeah I know but that's what I'm saying, I would have put them back in their pen. But maybe they don't have a pen? But even when I let my dog out, I put the chickens away if they're free ranging (they don't every day) before I let him out because I know he's not good with the chickens. Let alone if a strange dog or multiple strange dogs was over. I'm just saying the whole incident could have been avoided if the chickens were locked up, especially if they knew they were coming over in advance and especially if it's rare, valuable chickens. Most dogs aren't good with chickens so not really fair to shoot one for being a dog.
That would seem the smart thing to do and I probably would have if I had known they were coming with their dogs and I only had 5 chickens with a pen and a single coop. However, with about 70 birds free ranging that roost in 7 different buildings it would be impossible to corral them all in the middle of the afternoon. The right thing would have been for the woman I pleaded with to recall her dog rather than ignore the situation, continue to chat, drinking wine and telling me not to worry.
The chickens were ranging at the back of the property a hundred yards from the fire pit. There would have been no problem if she kept the dog close to her.
Couldn’t she being on HIS property done what he asked? Or taken the dog home ? Or put the dog in the car? Lots of options. Why lock your chickens up? They LIVE there.
And not really fair to continue to not do what someone requests in their own home.
Or a leash.
Yeah, that's all true too but why should she have to put the dog away when it's a fun girl's night thing and everyone else has their dogs? Not really fair (or safe) to leave the dog locked in a car either.

But I wasn't trying to be judgemental or argue. Yes she should have called her dog back and done what he asked so she's definitely in the wrong too cause I wouldn't have let my dog go so far away and get in that situation to begin with. But I'm just saying, there's also a lot more options than threatening to shoot it for being a dog.

And yes the chickens live there and I get wanting to let them free range, mine love it and it's good for them, but I'm just saying if they're that rare and you're that concerned about them and know people with dogs are coming over, it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side and lock them up for a couple hours.

Some people won't agree with that and that's fine but I'm just saying what I would do in that situation. As much as mine love free ranging, I would much rather be on the safe side and lock them up. Especially if they were rare but mine aren't and are just pets.

But think of it if they weren't chickens. If they were dogs. If someone was scared of dogs or allergic or you had an aggressive dog, would you say too bad and just leave him out? Probably not. No different imo.

But there's lots of different options and one of them isn't more right than the other.
If the owner wouldn't or couldn't recall or control her own dog, I don't know how I was going to prevent it from chasing and killing chickens without shooting it. Just because she didn't believe the dog would bother them. :idunno
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