Neighbours cat


There are benefits to living out in the sticks. The draw back is that there are hundreds of stray cats running around. Far too many"city folk" decide they are tired of caring for kitty so they drive 15 miles out of town and chuck puss out of the car. Most farmers around here have 10 cats living on their farm and I'll guarantee not one of them was purchased.

It's not uncommon to see 4 or 5 cats cross my yard in an afternoon. I'll cut them a bit of slack if they aren't near the house but they don't get a second chance if I see them near my bird feeders.
I also live in Iowa, and have had more than my share of other peoples dogs/cats wipping me out of the chicken buisness. What I have learned and the most helpful thing I have learned is this.

According to Iowa law you have the right to protect your livestock (chickens included) you CAN fire a weapon inside the city limits if you are protecting your livestock. I beleive its code 571 or 576? dont' quote me on it, but your local sheriff will know. I know people hate to do it, but if your neighbors won't be good neighbors, .25 cents for a shell is cheaper then being wiped out over and over again by the same cat or dog.. I have lost thousands on birds before I got the gutts to start shooting. I now haven't had a issue for 3yrs.

I had a new neighbor move in about then and thier dog had 6 dead birds in my driveway. I followed the dog home, and knocked on thier door. I ask that they replace the birds and keep thier dog home. They said "It wasn't my dog, she is here".. I said "great.. so when I shoot the stray you won't care.. right" I ended up shooting the dog the next day.. they never said a word and my chickens have been very happy since.

stray cats even cats I know the owners are no exception. I call the owners once. After that.. its over.. I can't afford it.

Your local sheriff can do more to explain the laws, but you have more rights to protect your birds than you may know about.
In Iowa.. there are many towns that don't have animal control. The people govern themselves. The nearest animal control to me is 2 hours away, one way.. Clay may be the same. Iowa has many small towns, not many cities and it really is a govern your own kind of place in 80% of Iowa.

You're right we live 6 miles from Durant and there is no animal control. The closest is Davenport about 18 miles away. At times it seems we are over run by strays and the ONLY control is the control I exert in not shooting everything that crosses my yard.

I do have neighbors about 1,000 feet from my home and a very small town (OK 12 houses) abuts my property. My nearest neighbors have 2 cats and have already been warned that when I get my coop up and running in the spring they will keep the cats at home or I'll take care of them. They are cool with that. As for the rest of the "town" ...Oh well
I can relate.. I have ticked off every one of my neighbors at sometime in my 20yrs here.. Everyone with in 5 miles has had to learn.. YES... I will shoot your dogs/cats.. if you like them.. keep them home..

Our local vet has started a neuter day its so bad, much like your town I assume. He will only do male aniamls as he can do them faster and doesn't have to keep them over night, but for 15.00 he will neuter any cat brought in on one day of the year. He makes nothing from it, and it has helped the local stray population. Most farmers can't afford the 75.00 it costs to spay or neuter every cat. My one cat is fixed and my neighbors cats are fixed.. however go with in walking distance into the town of Carbon (36 people) and you are over run.. Of course the local "cat lady" that feeds them all doesn't help.
As aweful as it sounds to someone in the city.. Lock and Load.. its the only way..
"Cat lady" OMG I have a guy at the end of my driveway that feeds 2 dozen cats a day. It's a short 1,500 feet to where I'll have my coop. I guess I'll just save him some money buying cat food.

And then there's the guy 1/4 mile down the road that feeds His 'pet' skunks. Yes you got it he sets out a huge bowl of cat food every day for the family of skunks in his barn. We get to deal with a dozen or so baby skunks looking for a home every year because of that jerk. He also sets out food for stray cats and likes to keep the local coon population well fed.

I do indeed live in a target rich environment.
Oh my gish! Skunks and coons too.. Skunks are the biggest egg suckers.. something I learned quickly when I moved out here. Coon dogs.. .. yup..
Thats your answer..

I moved out here at 28, no money, 2 kids to feed and every chicken a cat or dog got, was a dinner we didn't have. A freind gave me a coon dog and the cat population went down over night. I guess cats and coons smell the same? Yes.. its gross.. but when its my dinner or a stray cats.. I get to keep it.

dogs see what you don't, hear what you don't and can chase cats vertually 24 hours a day.. its great.

An alternitive to consider if you have THAT many and coons and skunks.. oh my..
Just an aside, if a cat is able to get into your coop you really need to get a more secure coop. At this point the neighbor's cat is the least of your worries. If a raccoon realizes that you have an accessible eating facility he's going to stop by for a late night snack and eat all of your chickens. Bird netting won't keep a coon out, you need to get some good strong hardware cloth and fasten that up with some screws and washers.
Trap it and call animal control... dont let it stay around and kill your chickens,.. BUT... also dont kill an innocent animal because its doing whats natural for it to do....good luck...,wendy

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