Nest box pictures?

Here are mine...the slanted top opens to reveal storage under there! Thanks to my DH for building them!

I love the variety in these designs. I'm building a new coop and am in the same quandry. I love the design that "NEEDMORECHICKENS!" posted. That covered area above the nestbox is steep enough that they aren't likely to be able to roost on it, and it wisely serves as storage space. How cool is that?

The next thing I have to decide is the design of the roost and a "droppings pit" to make things easier to clean out. I've been taking my time, and I want it to be as well-designed as possible before I introduce the girls to their new home. Retrofitting can be a pain.

I made mine out of an old desk, there are 3 in the middle and 2 at the bottom, top shelf we put wood around to make a lip so i could put pine shavings in for a roost or additional nest area i also had a cheesy little particle board end table that was sitting in our garage that i converted into 2 additional nesting boxes.

We put linolium down on the top shelf so we could clean it easier pine shavings on top of course. They don't like sleeping there they sleep on a higher perch across from the nesting boxes
Great ideas but you guys are depressing me with pics of nest boxes with eggs in them. Mine aren't laying yet and i'm so anxious to see that first egg. I know it will be anytime but i've been waiting since mid feb. Sorry if i diverted from subject.
I bought some nice nesting boxes from a feed store for my hens to lay in but my silly girls decided to lay in a shallow cardboard box
don't have pics right now.. and of course my ducks lay their eggs in the middle of their pen and sometimes even under their coop on the concrete, and occasionally causing the egg to crack
The strange thing that I've noticed is that when my ducks decide to lay in a box I put down for them, my hens will go in and kick the duck eggs out
Does anyone know why they might do this? I am guessing because it isn't a chicken egg? They're fine with other chicken eggs or the duck eggs when I put them in the chicken nesting boxes. Weird chickens
Any ideas?
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