Nest boxes

crooked stripe

12 Years
Jan 14, 2008
N.E Ohio- Suffield
My chicks are now 6 weeks old and have started climbing into the nest boxes. They spend hours in there sleeping and defecating. Will this stop when they start to lay? I can just imagine the mess all over the eggs if they don't stop. I thought about blocking off the nest boxes till they get older but not sure if it is the right thing to do. John
They have 3. One 6" off the floor, one just above the entry to the nest boxes and one above the nest boxes. They seem to use them all. The tallest is 4' off the floor and they seem to like it best. John
Block off the nest boxes until they're when they're about 4 months. They'll get into a bad habit if you don't. What I did back then, is to go in after dark and take them out of the nest boxes and put them on the roost...until they learned that's where they suppose to be. Be sure it's too dark for them to jump down and go back into the boxes. Good luck

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