Nest not staying in place - broken eggs!

Feb 15, 2022
My new egg layer is being so good and going into her coop to lay her egg. HOWEVER, she moves the nest, I’m assuming not intentionally, and the egg is cracking. How can I keep the nest in place??? See photo. You can see how the nesting material is sliding out and there are dark spots where the egg cracked.
Could you attach an extra piece of wood to the front to stop it sliding forwards? If not maybe try weighing it down with a rock or something in the corner, if there's room that is.
When one my hens started laying she was always rearranging the nest, but this settled down after a while.
My chickens do this too. They move it when scratching to get down to the bottom of the nest which doesn't work then they have those pads in there. I put rubber mats with holes instead-kind of like you find in kitchens but thinner and with smaller holes. I also put a piece of wood at the edge of the box so theh can't kick it out but with the rubber they don't seem to try
You need a lip on the nest boxes (the piece of wood others have mentioned) about 3-4" high to keep materials from being flung out.

Also I'm not so fancy with my liners - I use empty feed bags with a couple sheets of bubble wrap inside, folded to fit snugly in the nest box. Even if the birds throw out all the nest material on top the feed bag is plenty of padding, and if it gets soiled I can toss it no problem as it's free.


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