Sponsored Post Nestera Coop Giveaway! Total worth $1595

I like that it can be moved around the yard to give the hens more area to forage instead of one set place.

It's also light enough with back issues and being a leg amputee that I wouldn't have to find someone to help me move it.

No going out in morning to let them out or waiting until dark for them to turn in for the night with the automatic door is a huge plus....and they are safe from predators which is a huge factor to me having hawks, racoons, red fox (crosses my camera at front door every other night) and possums.
If you had to pick only one of these 3 which would you pick?

Let us know, by commenting on this thread, what is your favorite feature of Nestera chicken coops between the 25-year warranty, the ease of cleaning or the red mite resistance.

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