Nesting box specs

WOW...never heard of that.

I have a friend who uses a community nest. It works just as well as having dividers. His girls

seem to love it.

That is what I do. Made one box big enough to hold three 5 gallon pails cut in half the long way. They love it and makes it very easy to clean.
Thank for all the great info everyone. I had never thought about not using dividers. Will have to think about that....surer would make building easier. This will be an external box mounted to the side of the building and yes it will be bout 24" off the ground.

Thanks again for all the great info.

Roof went on last night so it won't be long!!! Wooohooo!!!
hey there, "thegoogers"

I was wondering if you were going to be posting pics of your coop any time soon? We began building our coop this Mother's Day weekend. I read that yours would have an external nesting box. So will our coop. I am not sure if ours will be big enough for our 3 Buff Orps. Didnt realize they would be such big ladies.
I will post the construction pics probably tomorrow. It's late so I am going to bed! I will look forward to seeing your coop pics.

Take care!!

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