Nesting Muscovy- Eggs not as far along as should be


5 Years
Jun 28, 2014

I have a Muscovy that's been sitting for 16 days now. I candled several of her eggs tonight and saw that they have not developed as far a long as they should be at day 16. They look more about 7 days. She has not left her nest, even for a moment for 9 days now. I've been hand feeding her water and food twice a day since she has stopped getting off. Prior to that 9 day mark, she was getting off as one would expect once a day for 15-20 minutes to bathe in the pond, use the bathroom, eat and drink. All normal.

I normally wouldn't bother candling during natural incubation but she has removed two eggs from the nest in the past two days. I witness her take one out this evening and eat it so I wanted to check what's going on in there. I was surprised to not see half-way there ducklings inside.

Two plausible issues that I would like feedback on from others:

1) She built her nest on the floor in my chicken coop in a section that wasn't complete and therefor not protected. She was harassed by my rooster (he thinks he is a Muscovy drake, if you know what I mean). Twice I came in to find her eggs scattered about and her devastated. The first time was about a week after she officially began to sit. Both times I helped her rebuild her nests and she'd sit again. After the second incident though (7 days ago), I built out a brooding pen (5 days ago) in a back section of the coop and successfully moved her and she continued to sit.

Question 1: Could the eggs have been that shaken up from the jostle to stop the development? None of them were ever cracked, just scattered about the floor. They were coldish though. But the eggs seem to be "younger" than that at any rate.

2) I am in Central Va and it is HOT! here. Well into the nineties daily. And the coop is in the direct sun with no shade at this point (my chickens free range so are never in the house during the day). I put a box fan in the coop to try to cool it off inside but it's still hot in there. The week she started sitting was almost 100 every day.

Question 2: Could the temperature from the coop and/or combined with her body heat have stopped the development? During the hottest part of the day, she will push the eggs out of the center, spread them equally around in a circle and hover above them, not sit directly though. Poor thing :(

So, my real question is: is there a chance that there are any viable eggs that will develop on since they appear to be so far behind at this point?

She's been through a lot, and is so dedicated I want her to be rewarded at the end of it all. Not to mention, she's my drake's best girl and they will make some gorgeous ducks together. But of course, if it's futile I want to remove the eggs so she can have have a break from the heat and refortify. I can replace them with other eggs if she get's too stressed over it, but I'd prefer to let her rest a bit.

I appreciate sharing of knowledge and advice. Thanks!!

P.S. If the opinion is that the eggs overheated then I am going to cry. I can't stop summer time in Virginia and I can't get trees to grow for shade any faster.

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