Nettie, are you out there? Are you okay?

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I went to indoor and it said not to contact nettie for products. So I came to this thread and said that. I was kinda guessing it was the same nettie.
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Nettie, we miss you and hope you are ok!
Hope everything works out.
i just read about all this on their Facebook site and then the indoorducks site. Nettie was kind enough to rush through a duck shoe order for me early last month. She seems like a kind and caring person. i have seen posts on the Facebook site about illness. This all sounds very mysterious. i hope she is okay.
Ok so i was able to get at a chached copy of (cahched Aug 14th) here is what it said: cahce aug 14th :

New at

Hello Friends!

Sorry we have not updated our page in awhile! We have been very very busy bees taking on more orders than we have ever received! We now get orders from all over the globe for just about every type of poultry you can think of, even some exotic birds in zoos!

We wanted to update all of you to let you know what is going on here at

Nettie has recently become ill and has developed two new ongoing conditions, one with her wrists, and one with her heart. Neither are very serious, but they require many trips to see specialists and her regular doctor. Her doctors have decided that she needs a little break to relax while new medications and exercises are tried to help ease her conditions.

So, order to give Nettie a little break, we will not have any batches available for the month of August. You will still be able to place an order by sending in an email or phone call like normal, but your order will be placed in the available batches starting on 9-12-11. This allows Nettie to finish all her summer batches, take some time off and get herself better, and start up again in September! The Batch system will still work the same way, with Nettie taking on as many orders per batch as she deems able to be finished on time (including taking less orders if her health requires it).

If you place an order between now and September's first batch, you can choose to hold off on paying for your order until mid-August, or you can pay right away to guarantee your spot in a batch in September, otherwise it's first come first served. We get very many orders, and can only take so many per batch, and we like to remind everyone that there can be a long wait if many people place orders around the same time.

***During August, if you have a dire emergency, please email/call/text us and let us know! Even though we will be on break, we want to still be there for anyone who has an emergency! If you have an emergency and require an item like Shoes, please feel free to contact us- we will try to help! You may not be able to choose a color, but we want to have medical items available for emergencies.***

During our time off, we plan on adding/changing our webpage. Here are some things you can expect-
New products! Nettie is very close to finishing some new designs for new items and will use some of her time off to finish them so they can be available. Some of these new items include-
-Washable diaper inserts! We like being "green" and have had many requests for inserts that will fit into our diaper harnesses. We are expecting to have them available in off-white and black.
-A New type of leash that is very affordable and will match walking harnesses exactly.
-A breathable "Wing Wrap" which will help aid fowl with "Angel wing" problems, or broken wings.
-Clearance Diaper Harnesses. We have collected enough fabrics that have too big of patterns, are a bit thin, or have some aesthetic defects. We also have bits and pieces of fabrics that are not big enough for a complete harness, but can be combined with other fabrics to make harnesses. Continuing with our desire to be more "green" we want to use these scraps to make items. These items will most likely be pre-made to a point (so they can still be altered) but will be available based on size and most likely through an eBay store. What we have available will change often, depending on our stock. These special clearance or "Franken-Harnesses" as we like to call them, will each be priced based on size, material, etc but will have some sort of discount from our normal harness prices. These Diaper harnesses will also be available without needing to be placed in a normal batch, as they will be mostly pre-made. These will come in handy for those who need a harness right away. They will ship during our normal shipping times, but can be shipped sooner and faster for a fee if need be.
-We regretfully will have to make some pricing changes to reflect the inflation of some of our materials. We will not be making any huge changes, but small changes here and there. These changes are being decided by not only our needs, but the needs of our customers as well.
-Nettie has some neat ideas for new designs for baby and intermediate harnesses. She hopes her new designs, once tested, will better fit young fowl and will be easier to pre-make so they can ship faster for those who cannot order in advance.
-Nettie also has some ideas for designs for "In a Pinch" items, which will be made as cheaply and as quickly as possible for those who need an item quickly for a injured or ill bird. They will not be as durable as our normal items, but they will work "In a Pinch" for those who need them right away. This will include diaper harnesses and shoes, hopefully! The designs are being worked out, so keep your fingers crossed!
-We've had some requests about safety clips for pet poultry for cars, bikes, motorcycles, and even surfboards! Nettie is working out the ideas, but she thinks you guys may be on to something!
-Nettie also hopes to eventually be able to design a sandal or shoe for fowl with curled or deformed feet. While this design has eluded us for many months, we will continue to try to find a solution!
Changes to the website-

-Nettie also has plans for a special blog and possibly a news e-letter about the website, orders, batches, new fabrics, items, delays or early shipments, etc to keep our customers informed without needing to email Nettie and wait for a reply. This will cut down Nettie's time replying to emails, and will give our customers information right away.
-Nettie and Joe also hope to make some changes to the site including bios about us, and about each of our ducks.
-We also hope to start a medical log, so everyone can see exactly what medical help our ducks have needed. We hope this will help others in similar situations. Along with our own duck's medical needs, we hope to have more articles and information available about various health issues with poultry.
-A website link and book list to help our friends research about having pet poultry, indoors and out. Hopefully this will become a plethora of information including hatcheries, adoptions, rehabbers, sanctuaries, rescues, vets, forums, books to buy, and other helpful websites! We also hope to include some of our friends' sites who hand make (poultry and non-poultry) related items as well.
-This may take longer than our planned break, but Nettie and Joe hope to have an FAQ section along with health info for those with simple questions about keeping pet poultry indoors.

-Photo Galleries! We want to put up Galleries of not only our ducky family, but pictures sent in by our friends. We also are starting a brand new Gallery called "Poultry Heroes!" which will contain photos and stories about special people who care for special pet poultry. We feel those who have taken on a handicapped, ill, abandoned, or otherwise hard to care for fowl should be recognized for their valiant efforts!

We are also taking on any suggestions, ideas, comments, etc. Our little company has grown thanks to suggestions made by helpful people!

Again, we thank everyone for their understanding during this time. Nettie appreciates all the comments and lovely notes hoping she feels better soon. She will spend August trying her best to get better!

Thank you!
-Nettie, Joe, and our Indoor Ducks- Ming Mei, Victor, Ollie, Vinny, Norie, and Moxy.​
^I read about the illnesses on the site too and it made me a bit concerned. Nettie's always been a great contributor to the forum and seems like a great person. I've enjoyed reading a lot of her threads. Then I saw something about criminal charges and some other things on Facebook, which got me confused. I've always admired the indoor duck supplie that Nettie makes and actually planned on ordering some things in the near future. But I'm just hoping everything is ok with her!
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OMG -- I agree. I'm gone from the site for long periods of time, but Nettie was always a dependable, well loved contributer (with incredibly helpful products!!!). Hope we hear something positive soon.

Nettie you are soooo loved -- hopeful that someone can provide a positive update soon ...
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