Nettie, are you out there? Are you okay?

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I had ordered a walking leash and harness for my little blind Rounder in late June and was told it would be in the July 18th batch. That date came and went, and she kept posting on Facebook that she was very busy, etc. Finally, on Wednesday, after several emails and attempts to find out the status of my order, I posted on the Indoor Ducks wall again, explaining my situation and inquiring about my order. Joe left a post that they would be refunding my money, as well as any others who had not received theirs. Apparently, there have been some problems in the business because it is no longer operational.
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I was part of that batch too. I am bummed I really wanted my harness and Leash. I had been emailing nettie and she said the batch was almost all done, I really didnt want a refund I wanted my harness.
Yeah, I know. I really wanted the leash, too, but I had begun to suspect that I might not get it when it was taking so long, and they were "being worked on." According to Joe, they had never been started.
Nettie's health has absolutely nothing to do with the closure of

iamcuriositycat - Suggesting that I might be an abusive person is incredibly insulting.
Hi Joe--I'm glad you checked in here. I do hope everyone is all right, including you.

I am in no place to judge whether there is any abuse occurring here, for sure. I like to believe the best of people. Every story has two sides and I'm sorry if I sounded like I'm judging you. It's not my intent. I'm genuinely sorry for the trouble you're going through right now, and feeling judged by random online people doesn't help, I'm sure.

Sadly, though, I have watched three different friends of mine trying to exit abusive relationships and in all three cases the perpetrator used websites, Facebook, etc. to trash their reputations before it was all over. So it's a bit of a knee-jerk reaction, I'm afraid, when I see something like what is on the indoorducks site at present. I do think that your own interests might best be served by presenting the information on the indoorducks site in a different way. For instance, instead of saying that Nettie is no longer employed and that lawsuits are being filed, you might just say, "All inquiries should be addressed to Joe@(etc.), sole owner. Unfortunately, Nettie is no longer associated with the organization and will not be able to address your concerns. However, Joe will be happy to refund any purchases you may have already made." Etc. By putting it that way, you look like you're taking the high road and random online people like me won't get the wrong idea.

In the mean time, I know relationship endings are almost never happy, and this must be a very rough time. I'm so sorry and I hope everyone will come through happier in the end.

70%cocoa :

Well said, iamcuriositycat. I second what she said and hope that these presently troubled times give way to happier future times for both of you.

I second that.​
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