
CUTE!!!!! And it looks like the peachick tails are already coming in!

Glad you've found the Nevada flock. What part of Henderson are you in? I'm over by Racetrack Road and Newport near the new park that has gone in. Our HOA kind of shut down my chicken activities (well, the outdoor one, anyway. The Board would probably lay an egg if they knew how many chicks I've hatched out in my casita), so I'm just being vicarious at the moment.

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So far I have 2 Polish....I hope Sunny pops in soon...she must need to go to town, she hasn't been on for a couple of days...anyway, one of the Polish is solid black and other looks chocolate. I know Sunny had a chocolate one but it didn't stay, does anyone remember what color it turned? I'm
it stays chocolate. Any ideas? Besides it's cute as can be!

The EE's nest was a mess with a broken egg and maggots! Had to move her and her loudly peeping eggs into a new nest. Thankfully she accepted the move but man it stunk! I can't get that smell off my hands! This is the egg I heard last night and thought it was hatched. I hope it's OK, it only has a hole in it, no zipping but very loudly chirping. I'll have to check it tonight. It's one of my late nights at the wine bar and just got a message on our FB page that a large group is coming in tonight so I probably won't be able to do anything until late tonight.
My BLRW squatted for me today. she's been a real pill with me the last few weeks. she used to be so friendly and would jump on my lap and now she tries to bite me every time I go in the run. luckily she's so beautiful or she might end up on the sell list.
Now, IF they had a Chicken Channel, I'd never leave the house. :)

Do chickens molt every year? What kind of oddities are associated with that process? I've been getting 6 eggs from 6 chickens almost every day for a week now. However, all but one took yesterday off, I think the heat and humidity are running them down.
I have some good chicken TV going on, two of my three broodies each have a chick! They hatched in the last couple of hour, right on schedule.
Missy, I'm so envious of your getting to can. I have just enough tomatoes to can now but that's it. My cucumbers never got more then a foot tall, so no pickles this year! This heat and the smoke from the last two weeks was all the garden could take. At least I've got chicks growing!
So far I have 2 Polish....I hope Sunny pops in soon...she must need to go to town, she hasn't been on for a couple of days...anyway, one of the Polish is solid black and other looks chocolate. I know Sunny had a chocolate one but it didn't stay, does anyone remember what color it turned? I'm
it stays chocolate. Any ideas? Besides it's cute as can be!

The EE's nest was a mess with a broken egg and maggots! Had to move her and her loudly peeping eggs into a new nest. Thankfully she accepted the move but man it stunk! I can't get that smell off my hands! This is the egg I heard last night and thought it was hatched. I hope it's OK, it only has a hole in it, no zipping but very loudly chirping. I'll have to check it tonight. It's one of my late nights at the wine bar and just got a message on our FB page that a large group is coming in tonight so I probably won't be able to do anything until late tonight.
so adorable! I want to get polish at some point. maggots are horrible. I remember one time we had a huge amount of them in our outdoor trash can and it was so disgusting. I was gagging.
re: Shark Week
I sprang for extended cable TV just for the month because of Shark Week. Normally we just have the standard 17 channels, but right now we're wallowing in 72 or so....most of them just stoopid reality TV shows and it seems that every channel has cloned some other reality show. Nearing the end of my month, I've about had my fill. (If anyone has seen "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" you'll's a spinoff of "Toddlers & Tiaras" that focuses on one of the families of a GA tot contestant.....They're not rednecks as they proclaim...they're downright white trash with no manners or redeeming social values whatsoever. Quel trainwreck)

Our normal viewing (non-cable) is mainly news. So this month has been full of guilty pleasures and a general waste of time. Will be glad to get back to my life. Husband it getting too hooked on Man v. Food and Sandwich competition on Travel Channel and we're trying to watch his diet.... TV is SOOO counterproductive!

re: UC Davis
LOL. Yeah, BIG on cows. When I went there I spent two years in the dorms next to the dairy barn, which was nice except when the wind blew in the wrong direction and then the manure aroma was fresh, raw and permeating. It was fun to go over and look at the vealies and watch the milking. One of our dorm mates was into dairy and every now and again he'd halter up a cow and bring it over to our front lawn. At that time the pigs were in the middle of campus and it was fun to pedal past them....they were pretty much inert in their wallows. I found out during my Viticulture & Enology class that most of the wine in the huge underground cellars (close to an acre in size) was not able to be marketed to the public and so it was drank through the alumni club and a goodly portion fed to the above-mentioned pigs. No wonder they (pigs and profs) were inert and seemed so content! Nowadays you can buy the Aggie wines via the alumni association.

Never did find the on-campus chickens... I'm sure there's gotta be coops somewhere. Probably off over by the Experimental fields.

Bodega Bay is a looooooong way off from Davis. Heck, it's a long way off from Napa even! The big Marine Biology campuses were UC San Diego and Scripps @ La Jolla. I'm not a big ocean person even though I have enjoyed scuba. (Didn't see sharks then....maaaaaybe someday will spring for a trip into a shark cage. I'd like to see the Northern Lights, too, but haven't won the lottery yet.) Really, a farm and home person.....

Not into camping, but love pioneer life and self-sustainability. When we move I'd like to get back to a plot of land with a well and some solar collectors. Don't know that I can live totally off the grid, though. Congrats to those of you that have come darn close!

CARY 1973
If your broodie plan doesn't work out, let me know. Sometimes I hatch just to hatch and need a home for chicks....will take orders for certain breeds! (Husby is very indulgent....he knows hatching keeps me happy)
I went out this morning and shook pumpkin vines over a Tupperware container. I got about 50 bugs, but unfortunately they're breeding in the "Oh gee, that's really overgrown with vines. I'll just let it produce pumpkins, then tear into it in the fall" area. So they weren't too easy to get to. Plus, most of them are little nymphs, very difficult to pick up. But I sprayed the vines down with water and shook DE all over them. So gross!

Pam: cute!!!! I really really want a couple of Polish pullets next year. We'll see how the chicken math plays out. I have a friend who's ordering from McMurray, and they have sexed buff laced, so maybe I'll gamble on a couple of them.

Elizabeth: my BLRW has been squatting for a couple of weeks, and she was hatched in March. No eggs yet. My sussex has been checking out the nesting boxes for a couple of weeks, but I don't expect anything from her for awhile. September is going to be a flood of eggs.

StevieNay: some of my chickens are doing their first molt, and they were hatched April of last year, so they're about 16 months old. I have one molting that's 11 months. In combination of the molt, the heat, and a few broodies, my egg count went WAY down. But with the cooler days and fewer broodies, suddenly I'm getting 5 eggs a day or more (10 hens at laying age.)

Peep_Show: Wow. That makes me run out and order cable right now. (Sarcastic tone, if you couldn't tell.) I'm so thankful I have such a full life that I don't have time to fill it with trashy reality TV.
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And, yes, SHARK WEEK, is addicting..... Makes me wonder why I never took Marine Biology. (Oh, yeah. Right. I went to Davis. That's why) I just love the smile on those Great Whites as they come swimming in.

Now, IF they had a Chicken Channel, I'd never leave the house. :)
That would be so funny if right after Shark Week, they had a Chicken Week! They should definitely do that!

chicharomirinda turns out that my friend did end up getting a rooster.

Speaking of my friend, she told me she only wanted 4-5 chickens. I found this guy on craigslist who had pullets for cheap ($50 for 4 hens and a rooster! I am talking about hens that just started to lay!). Well I texted her the next day I gave her his contact info, and asked if she ended up geting the chickens. She said she did and that she got a few free ones... and then she said she ended up getting 16 pullets and a roo!
I told her I would have done the same!
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Pam: cute!!!! I really really want a couple of Polish pullets next year. We'll see how the chicken math plays out. I have a friend who's ordering from McMurray, and they have sexed buff laced, so maybe I'll gamble on a couple of them.
If you end up doing that, I would like to join in, pretty please if it works out, because I would like a couple of buff laced, too. that's the kind my husband picked out. He just didn't tell me until way too late for the order in April.
That would be so funny if right after Shark Week, they had a Chicken Week! They should definitely do that!

chicharomirinda turns out that my friend did end up getting a rooster.

Speaking of my friend, she told me she only wanted 4-5 chickens. I found this guy on craigslist who had pullets for cheap ($50 for 4 hens and a rooster! I am talking about hens that just started to lay!). Well I texted her the next day I gave her his contact info, and asked if she ended up geting the chickens. She said she did and that she got a few free ones... and then she said she ended up getting 16 pullets and a roo!
I told her I would have done the same!
thanks for checking with your friend, anyway. I still have my silkie roo on craigslist with no takers. your friend is passing chicken math with flying colors!
Sounds like she's been hooked before she really got started!
chickens will do that to you! I never would have thought that before I got them.
If you end up doing that, I would like to join in, pretty please if it works out, because I would like a couple of buff laced, too. that's the kind my husband picked out. He just didn't tell me until way too late for the order in April.
I am actually ordering them from Meyer. You can definitely join in, the more the merrier!

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