
NevadaRon - I think you're right. Those look remarkably like the red sex-link hen I had. Well, on the bright should get a whole bunch of big brown eggs from them.
Ah, raccoons. Smart, and trouble with bells on - that bandit mask and those convict stripes are really appropriate.

My former manager had a habit of feeding a raccoon that lived on his place that lasted up until the day he was feeding his cats in the kitchen and realized that one of the cats in the house wasn't a cat.

They aren't afraid of people at all; I had one challenge me in the backyard at the California house and at my Dad's house back home one night he heard some horrendous yowling, looked up and saw his cat Puddy hanging on to the patio screen door while a raccoon calmly munched all the kitty food. After that Puddy was only fed indoors. They can and will eat cats; they will lure a dog into water and drown it by climbing on the dog's head.
OMG - that reminds me of that eye-glass commercial, the lady calling her kitty and a raccoon comes in for the night.

NV thread Yakima Kid.

Yup, Ron, I would say those are not Orpingtons - sorry. They will be great layers.

Sunny - I also haver read that EEs will lay later, but I have not found this to be true for me. Maybe if a person was to breed their own (he he - not that it might be my plan -
), but I think the hatchery EE have too much Production egg layer in them, which pushes the early egg laying. Sweet Amelia (EE), who I got from Greens, was my second layer - she laid at 19 weeks and my cochin Blondie layed at 18 weeks. But all are different. In the next couple years, hopefully with my heritage orps and the APA Ameraucanas, I will have "my" own EEs - huge, fluffy butted and fluffy faced, colored egg layers.
Hey everyone! I know I haven't posted in a long time, but I have a favor to ask

The two silkies I got back in of them started crowing about a week and a half ago. We can't keep him, because if someone complains to the HOA, all the chickens will have to go. Know anyone that might be interested in a silky rooster?


Also, does anyone know anything about the strange coloring on his wings
I thought it was dirt, but it's just his feathers!
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Welcome to the Nevada thread!!!
That is a beautiful area you live in! Love it.
I'll add you to the first post right now.

Nevada Ron, you guessed it! Red sex links. I have some. Like everyone else said, they are fantastic layers!
Just not as pretty as BOs.

Genny that is what I was hoping you would do! The EEs from the Ams and your beautiful Orps would make a gorgeous bird and would lay a beautifully colored egg!!! I wish I had a wheaton male or a BO male, I could get some beauties from my wheaton gals! Maybe I could borrow Flrpl next spring.
Thanks for the update on EEs and laying. I won't wonder any more why I'm getting eggs from my 20 week old EEs.

Takari, that is a beautiful roo!!! I wish I could take him but one is my limit.
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Love reading the posts here!

I'm on a long stretch at work (working 7 out of 8 days). So I have been really busy. Not complaining mind you, just tired. My shift starts at 5 or 530 am so I'm up at 3ish every morning.

Yakima Kid: Welcome to the Nevadan thread!

HorsefeathersNV: Genny, the gals are doing great! I love my chicken TV
in the late afternoons! Other than the fly strip incident with Meringue, they seem to be doing well. I have cut back on the treats to encourage the pellet feeding. However my dh, Erik, gave the gals some fresh worms (left over from camping/fishing this weekend) - OMG it was insane!!!
I thought they were going to hurt each other! To say they loved it is an understatement.

Takari: That is a beautiful roo - wish I could have one - my youngest really likes the silkies.

NevadaRon: Nice chickens! Good luck on the move - and getting everyone adjusted.

Sunny: I'm still waiting on that first egg
- Genny says I need to be patient and look to the end of September for the first eggs. Nest boxes are ready with 3 golf balls in each - but it looks like they haven't even investigated the boxes. Their combs and wattles are still pink/white.

Hope everyone has a great week!
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Well now that I'm moving to a larger place, I guess I'll just have to get more chickens!
A set of straight-run BOs seems to be in order!

Speaking of my new place, here are the pics I promised of the front porch views.

First, looking straight out from the front - due East.


Slightly southeast. The mountain on the left is North of the Carson River; the one on the right is South of it, so the river flows between them.


There's a hill due south - the river is just beyond (10 acres that's available if anyone is interested!


Roughly Southwest. Here you can see the trees lining the Carson River, and the hay ranch that borders it. The large mountain in the background is 9000 foot Rawe Peak - the northern edge of the Pine Nut Range.

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Sunny – I have to say, I am excited for the cross, I just love the fluff – but for some reason I have no desire to cross the Ams with like a Cochin (fluffy fluff). Yes, you can borrow Flrpl, or I do sometimes have Orpington cockerels (splash (all heritage) , or the Splash/buff (heritage/hatchery) – I make the distinction between the heritage and hatchery due to the size difference) and they would also make fantastically lovely chicks with your wheaton girls.

Takari – good luck with your adorable roo. You might try an ad up at the feed stores or craigslist, also in the buy/sell/trade section here on BYC. His wing color looks like he is not a 100% blue, his hackle bleed thru could also be in indication (his parents I am guessing are a blue or splash parent and a red/reddish parent – but I am far from knowledgeable with genetics.) If you really want to know, post in the breeds/genetics forum (let me know if you do and I will follow the post to learn also).

SparksNV – I am so glad that you all are getting along and enjoying each other’s company! I bet the worms were a hoot – my DH says they are better than tv when they are chasing each other for food. And the yelling “I have the treat, I have the treat” – why can they not be quiet and gobble, they need to announce to the others “chase me”.
Those are long days - 6 and 7 the worst - so sending you extra energy - my stepmom works in the ER also and so went thru those short/long weeks (she lives in another state).

NevadaRon – looks like a great place. If you’re going to order Orpingtons, I would recommend ordering from member hinkjc – she and her husband Wilds of Pa, raise White, Buff and Black Heritage Orpingtons and she will mail chicks. The difference in size and temperament, between hatchery and heritage is vast. Or if you are not strictly picky on the color – BamaChicken has incredibly fantastic birds – blacks and blues, and justuschickens59 – also wonderful English style Orpingtons, blues mostly (Justus also ships chicks, not sure on Bama – but Bama will ship started birds). On the breeds/genetics forum, there is an English Orpington thread - lots of picture of birds from both Bama and Justus. I know justuschickens has a waiting list – I am on it for chicks in October.
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