
OOOOh a splash/buff cockerel over my wheaton pullets would be a gorgeous cross too! I want them all!

NevadaRon beautiful!!! If DH didn't have to commute north I would definitely be checking out that 10 acre parcel!

SparksNV the wait is looong! But it makes it all the more exciting when that first egg gets here!

Where's Lacey been? I miss her on here!
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NevadaRon: Your new place is drop dead gorgeous. The desert is so beautiful.

Funny story. A friend of mine from Corvallis, OR had managed to live most of her life without ever entering the rainshadow country in the Pacific Northwest, let alone in Nevada or Utah. A few years back she came out to visit for Labor Day weekend and a few extra days and we took her around; including down to Bodie and then down the back road out of Bodie to Mono Lake. While we were wandering around I took her to see the Walker River and a few spots off the paved roads where a few small streams led into sinks.

She told me on the day she was heading back that she expected to be bored out of her mind; but when we took her around and showed her things she couldn't believe how beautiful and rich the desert really is. She really enjoyed Old Pointy singing once we explained how it was only a few animals even if it did sound like a dozen were out there.
Hi everyone. Sorry i was gone for so long. The internet was shut off for a while, but it got turned on today. You all have nice pis, and im so excited for you NevadaRon!! Thats great.
Hey Sunny, lol great timing. Everyone on facebook though i was dead and considred sending someout out here to drive by or somthing (cell phone off too.
) And i didnt write anything about Jack.
Ive never seen a golden eagle, but we have a large family of red tailed hawks and sparrow hawks, and crows out in lemmon valley. I dont mind them, its all part of life and if they get somthing all the power to them. Its sad, but they need to eat too. Same thing with the coyotes. Once we have like 18 roosters from a batch of 50 straight run RIRs, and dad sent them all out of the pen except one, the top roo. When the coyotes came down it was one of the loudest nights ever with their yipping and everything. It was pretty awesome, actually. The whole pact was down, because they took them all except two, which we ate. But they plucked them right out in the yard, you know the little feather rings they leave? Yeah. They were everywhere. Usually we have the dogs out (Border collies, <3) to protect the yard and flock, but we had them in the kennel that night so the coyotes could eat. Do you guys ever do that? Sendout space roo's for the wildlife when youre not processing them?

Guys, i have gotten the official, real life okay on getting a full size roo. Does anyone have an extra, large roo theyre willing to give away or sell, around 22ish weeks old? I'll take good care of him, i just want to have one for fertile eggs. It will be a pet, so no processing. Any ideas? Its kinda cool. Im happy about it.
I'm not admitting anything!

I think Horsefeatherz might have a couple left... Nice to see you back Lacey!
Good Morning everyone!

Quick post then off to work I go....

Does anyone compost out here? DH & I are going to start one. Any hints or ideas on best way to build, start, and maintain it? Even through winter months? Our location for it is primarily in the sun.

I will post more later....
I've had several compost piles over the years. The best advice I can give is don't let the free range chickens near it!

I've done the tumbler method (looks like a cement mixer), which is pretty fool-proof and makes it quick, but not in big quantities.

I also have had a railroad tie bin and just a pile. The piles need air to breathe and ferment, so laying down some perforated PVC tubes into the pile will help with not having to turn it so much.

Depending on how big a pile you want to have, it can be anything from a hoop of chicken wire to a dedicated structure. There's a certain percentage of green, dry and manure which will guarantee "cooking" and, if you want, you can also purchase microbes to hasten the process from various garden supply outlets.

A good book to get you on your way is "Let it rot." Easy to read and makes for success.

Composting is GREAT! It helps dispose of barn/coop cleanup, yard trimming and certain kitchen goods. When I had the ranch, I had one of the BEST veggie gardens thanks to the barnyard contributors. Good luck!
laceynoelle -
Glad to see you back. Saw your swans on CL a bit back - did they find a new home? Yes, I have cockerels/roo coming out my ears. I have a very, very friendly blue barred Orp/Rock cross - he is out of Sunny's BR Obby and my Roo Versace. I did not raise him to be "nice" - I raised him for the freezer and have never cuddled or coddled him - but about 6 weeks ago he decided that he wanted to be my friend. He will run, leaving the flock, to come and stand by me. He is huge, huge - much larger than my other cockerels in his "clutch". Last night, when I was giving them their bed time treat, he was leaning against my leg as he ate - darn cockerel, being so sweet. So if you do want one, do you have a color or a breed preference? I do have Orp/EEs with beard/muff, I have an Orpington who is a Splash/Buff. Will have to post some pictures in the next couple days. No I have never, on purpose, fed the coyotes live food - sometimes before the chickens, I would dump butcher remains over the fence - but not any more. (I just feel bad for the terror the "prey" goes thru, so would rather calmly end the cockerels life myself - but to each their own

SparksNV - I try to compost, at least I dump everything into a pile. But the watering that must be done here - I have enough watering of live things and forget the compost. Plus I have never, even in WA, been good at the turning part. So I am the laziest composter you will ever find. I pile - yup that is it - I pile. Then well the chickens do get to it, and scratch/dig - I do not care - it is all in the garden area anyway - I have even caught chickens dust bathing in the compost pile. For me, my pile is mostly horse/bird manure and what ever shavings/hay comes out of the birds yard/coop. On a different note - I noticed the girls who hatched with your oldest Orp/Del girl are starting to get color in their faces - they are getting closer.

Yakima Kid - Is your avatar in WA state? The Teapot or Coffepot gas mart/station? I know there is one in that state somewhere - might have been two at one time - one on the west of the mountains and one east. (Not the boot and hat one - that one is long gone

Sunny - no color yet in my APA Ams faces - but my 10 day younger clutch is starting to color up.
I like the blue Roos, but I dont really have a preferance. Just a roo who'll get the job done.
I have enough hens i think to where i'll need two, but i want to make sure everyone gets along good. What do you think about having more than one roo? Is it a bad idea? Idk.
thinking about what you said about the coyote scaring their prey, i think you're right. I ve just had a little guilty trip. Poor guys, i never thought about it like that. When i have extra roo's frm hatches later on, i think I'll just eat them or if we do feed the coyotes, cull them first and take them to the mountains.

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