
Hey everyone, I have a question. The other day, I was inside the coop filling up the feeder. Two of my girls was in there, Rachel (barred rock) and Abigail (buff orp). Rachel is not at the top of the pecking order, nor is she at the bottom. Abigail on the other hand, is close to the bottom of the pecking order. Well, after I filled the feeder, I stopped to look at my phone with my back turned to the girls, all of the sudden I heard a scuffle going on. I turned around to see Rachel on top of Abigail grabbing and pulling on her comb, and Abigail was just sitting there taking it. As I intervened and bopped Rachel away, Abigail did the rooster squat as I was bending down to pick her up and Rachel came right back trying to attack her again. This time I bopped Rachel a little harder and she just fluffed her feathers and went outside. I checked over Abigail and she was fine, no blood or anything. I didn't notice any problems yesterday, but today I went out to fill up the feeder and I noticed Abigail's head is covered in dried blood. I went in the run to grab her and she did the squat again. As soon as she squatted, Rachel and Wilma (RIR) both went to attack her. They had the stretched out necks with fluffed out feathers and trying to kick/scratch her, except they got my hands so I smacked both of them away. I grabbed Abigail, checked her comb and she had a few scabbed sores but nothing looked too major. So, I put her down and everyone acted fine, no scuffles. I left the run to grab the eggs, and I saw blood all over 2 of the nesting boxes. I figure it's Abigail's from the struggles.
Does anyone know what the heck is Rachel's problem? This has NEVER happened with these girls, so I don't understand the sudden aggression. They have plenty of room, never run completely out of food or water, they currently have a bunch of pumpkin chunks as treats, and they have some roosts to get up on. So, this so just a mystery to me
Just wanted to pop in and with everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.

How are you doing your bird this year?

Ours is a southwest theme: brined and doused with a chipotle/lime/garlic rub, stuffed with a cornbread and chorizo/jalepeno/butternut squash stuffing.
Jakesmama: Not really sure what's going on with your Rachel, perhaps it's just the pecking order or there is actually something wrong with her and the other birds know it?

The dinner sounded really good Peeps!
Well I'm not sure if she's sick or not since she's the aggressor. I moved her to the mini coop today for a couple weeks, to keep an eye on her for any disease and to hopefully lower her in pecking order ranks. I saw poor Abigail had more sores on her comb AND a black and blue earlobe!! Plus, when I opened up the nesting box lid, there was Rachel, standing over a broken egg with egg yolk all over her beak and trying break into another egg.... ugh.

These chickens are driving me nuts!!

Peep_Show, your turkey sounded soooo good!! We just stuffed ours with apples, oranges, onions and celery. Then slathered in butter and sprinkled with salt, pepper, poultry seasoning and paprika. Turned out pretty tasty!
Hey everyone, I have a question. The other day, I was inside the coop filling up the feeder. Two of my girls was in there, Rachel (barred rock) and Abigail (buff orp). Rachel is not at the top of the pecking order, nor is she at the bottom. Abigail on the other hand, is close to the bottom of the pecking order. Well, after I filled the feeder, I stopped to look at my phone with my back turned to the girls, all of the sudden I heard a scuffle going on. I turned around to see Rachel on top of Abigail grabbing and pulling on her comb, and Abigail was just sitting there taking it. As I intervened and bopped Rachel away, Abigail did the rooster squat as I was bending down to pick her up and Rachel came right back trying to attack her again. This time I bopped Rachel a little harder and she just fluffed her feathers and went outside. I checked over Abigail and she was fine, no blood or anything. I didn't notice any problems yesterday, but today I went out to fill up the feeder and I noticed Abigail's head is covered in dried blood. I went in the run to grab her and she did the squat again. As soon as she squatted, Rachel and Wilma (RIR) both went to attack her. They had the stretched out necks with fluffed out feathers and trying to kick/scratch her, except they got my hands so I smacked both of them away. I grabbed Abigail, checked her comb and she had a few scabbed sores but nothing looked too major. So, I put her down and everyone acted fine, no scuffles. I left the run to grab the eggs, and I saw blood all over 2 of the nesting boxes. I figure it's Abigail's from the struggles.
Does anyone know what the heck is Rachel's problem? This has NEVER happened with these girls, so I don't understand the sudden aggression. They have plenty of room, never run completely out of food or water, they currently have a bunch of pumpkin chunks as treats, and they have some roosts to get up on. So, this so just a mystery to me
Do you have a rooster? I know some roosters don't mess with the hens' pecking order but some do, maybe if you had one he would save the day? I don't know.

The person that thought maybe she was sick was talking about Abigail.

In order to be successful at bringing her down some in the pecking order, she'll have to be out of sight of the other birds. just FYI
Do you have a rooster? I know some roosters don't mess with the hens' pecking order but some do, maybe if you had one he would save the day? I don't know.

The person that thought maybe she was sick was talking about Abigail.

In order to be successful at bringing her down some in the pecking order, she'll have to be out of sight of the other birds. just FYI
I don't have a rooster (not sure my neighbors would appreciate it, lol), but someday I wish to have one. I thought Sheryl was talking about Rachel (oops), but I'll keep an eye on Abigail also, to see if she starts acting goofy. I checked her over thoroughly today when I saw her bruised earlobe. Her feet look good, feathers are still flufy, full and soft, eyes are clear and comb/wattles are nicely plump and red. But, if she is sick, I guess it could be internal. If she starts acting weird, I'll switch her into the mini coop. I have some electrolytes powder I can mix with water, do you think it would be ok to put in the main water supply, or do you think it would affect the other hens?
I put up a board so Rachel and the other girls can't see each other, but they can still hear each other. Should I move the mini coop further away, or is it ok being a few feet away? I'm still learning about all of this chicken business, so any info is greatly appreciated!!
I don't have a rooster (not sure my neighbors would appreciate it, lol), but someday I wish to have one. I thought Sheryl was talking about Rachel (oops), but I'll keep an eye on Abigail also, to see if she starts acting goofy. I checked her over thoroughly today when I saw her bruised earlobe. Her feet look good, feathers are still flufy, full and soft, eyes are clear and comb/wattles are nicely plump and red. But, if she is sick, I guess it could be internal. If she starts acting weird, I'll switch her into the mini coop. I have some electrolytes powder I can mix with water, do you think it would be ok to put in the main water supply, or do you think it would affect the other hens?
I put up a board so Rachel and the other girls can't see each other, but they can still hear each other. Should I move the mini coop further away, or is it ok being a few feet away? I'm still learning about all of this chicken business, so any info is greatly appreciated!!

You could ask your neighbors if they would mind have ONE. Electrolytes in the water of your birds is a good thing, no matter which ones are drinking it. It's good for them, so yeah, go ahead.

Is your mini coop outside the run of the main coop? What I'm wondering is if the girls can get around to the other side that isn't blocked? As long as they can't see each other and interact it should be fine. I guess she'll be warm enough by herself?
Jakesmama - If you need a rooster then come to me first, I have 2 of them and these guys are very sweet. They are eating out of my hand right now but please note roosters are the flock watcher and they usually stand guard while the hens are eating away. Now would be a great time to introduce one of them to a hen in quarantine. These roosters do not beat up the hens and they are always watchful of the flock. Speak to your neighbors to make sure they wouldn't mind. Also, please note, rooster do not just crow in the morning and at first they crow so much it can kill the ears but after awhile they will settle down and will crow when the hens are in the nest boxes helping them lay eggs. I have French Black Copper Marans with the feather feet.

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