

Mama Marans with her babies. 3 black copper Marans from SunnyDawn, and a blue ameracauna from another BYCer. :) They loved the sun today on their first little outing. Too bad that storms almost here.
You could ask your neighbors if they would mind have ONE. Electrolytes in the water of your birds is a good thing, no matter which ones are drinking it. It's good for them, so yeah, go ahead.

Is your mini coop outside the run of the main coop? What I'm wondering is if the girls can get around to the other side that isn't blocked? As long as they can't see each other and interact it should be fine. I guess she'll be warm enough by herself?
Yes it's on the outside. It's completely different little set up away from the main area, so there's no way they can see each other. I actually gave her a friend also. She got Berta, who has been plucking feathers. She hasn't chased down lower pecking order girls in a couple weeks, but she still harasses them by pulling out their feathers when they're not looking. Also, I put in a little extra straw in their coop just in case they want to sleep on the floor. So far the last couple of days, Rachel has not eaten any eggs.

Jakesmama - If you need a rooster then come to me first, I have 2 of them and these guys are very sweet. They are eating out of my hand right now but please note roosters are the flock watcher and they usually stand guard while the hens are eating away. Now would be a great time to introduce one of them to a hen in quarantine. These roosters do not beat up the hens and they are always watchful of the flock. Speak to your neighbors to make sure they wouldn't mind. Also, please note, rooster do not just crow in the morning and at first they crow so much it can kill the ears but after awhile they will settle down and will crow when the hens are in the nest boxes helping them lay eggs. I have French Black Copper Marans with the feather feet.
Well, I talked to my neighbors and 2 of 4 household voted nay :( So, a rooster still remains "someday" goal. Kind of a bummer, since I actually has a dream last night about getting a new rooster, LOL!
I'm in New Mexico this week to finish up winterizing the yard (pulling out dead annuals, trimming perennials, etc.) It was too windy (40 mph winds) to work in the yard yesterday. Then it rained whatever storm blew in. At 3:00 a.m. when I went to bed it was still raining; not so this morning. Winter has struck.... so much for yardwork!

Finally in the afternoon the clouds lifted. Here's the view from the back gate:

Our snow in the backyard won't last but a day or maybe two if it stays a little cold. Luckily I have a lot of indoor fixer-upper projects. I'm coming back to Las Vegas on Saturday....DH tells me to expect snowfall! Guess it's inescapable wintertime!
I'm in New Mexico. Winter has struck.... so much for yardwork!

Our snow in the backyard won't last but a day or maybe two if it stays a little cold. Luckily I have a lot of indoor fixer-upper projects. I'm coming back to Las Vegas on Saturday....DH tells me to expect snowfall! Guess it's inescapable wintertime!
No snow on my part of town, but our leaves are finally falling!!! Yay! FALL is here!!!

it was 22 last night here. we got about 10" of snow in the chicken areas. 8" by the house

You guys are making me cold just looking at your pictures! Brrrrrr!
If you are interested in a FREE dwarf pygmy goat and are able to pick it up in Vegas please pm me. I posted a picture of Dorothy and all the info about her on the Vegas thread HERE on post # 589. Thanks!!!
I may be moving to Reno in the next 3 months. Want to bring my gals and my dog. Suggestions on a good place to live with the herd, please let me know. Also I posted on the Vegas side, someone who was giving away all their chickens AND the coop. Its on Reno Craigslist if anyone is interested.

Thanks Vegaschick for the referral to come here and post.

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