
Is this a free on line book? Do you have a link you can share
I would be very interested in that! The only reason I cared at all is because if I am selling the chicks (which I am) the folks buying want to see the parent stock and really do care what they look like! I have always been about the eggs myself.

Genny, from what I read, the muff/beard genes are dominate so for a bird to not have them is a real problem. I will still keep her for her pretty blue eggs though and if her eggs are really blue then breeders who show their eggs may be interested in her offspring. What ever my personal feelings are on overbreeding, I still have to be able to sell my chicks.
I finally caught Sassy yesterday & walked around with her under my arm - she told me that she wasn't happy about it though! She felt heavy so I'm thinking she is eating plenty! I wonder if I was able to catch her because she is finally getting closer to laying & kind of "let me" catch her or if I was just lucky. Also, she is one of the two dominate hens (along with Cabo) - do you think the other hens will see me as more of the "dominate hen" since I caught her?

Genetics is very interesting! I love to hear about breeding projects. Wish I could get more involved in that but it would mean more hens and (at least) one rooster and don't think the husband is up for that! Keep us updated on your projects! Do you do a lineage tree with all of the offsprings' attributes? How do you keep track of your outcome?

Our two girls free range all day in the backyard. Grass damage has been minimal. I can see how a lot of birds could tear up the yard. They scratched out a spot to dust in, beyond that they are nice to the lawn. I think it helps that they have a variety of areas to explore outside of the lawn; the patio, garden, wood pile, and sideyard with rocks. Throughout the day they work the yard, making sure to visit each area.
Thanks Genny!
Your babies are fitting right in. We did have to clip both the roos wings though.
Last night they were roosting on top of the 6' fence! The boys are best buds already. I can't believe how well they get along!
The girls are a little shy yet but they will get the hang of things soon I'm sure.
I hope I clipped enough off. Usually Just clipping a couple of inches off one side throws them off enough that flying is awkward but my boy, Poppy, was up on the 4' fence this morning loudly welcoming the day in.
I can't have them flying into the neighbor's yard so I guess I'll have to take a little more off.
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