
Hello everyone, I havn't even checked in to read posts for a few days. was several pages behind. I don't have the time to read everyone of them so I will just say I hope everyone is doing well. Looks like you all are eating well anyway. We had the best hatch for incubating start last night. 5 out of 6 eggs pipped one is already hatched and the 6th was not fertilized. so it is a 100% hatch rate so far on fertile eggs. We have two or three sweet little roosters for sale also. so if you are interested let me know. these are tiny little chickens but only pet quality and sweet as all get out, all of them have been handled a lot. I need to find the business cards of the ladies I met at the 4-H swap. they where both interested in getting new blood in there lines. we now have at least 3 hens laying but two of them are laying very small eggs. we put them in the incubator but none of them pipped from this first group. we have more coming every 7 days for a while. Think I will have to post them on craig's list because all we can keep are four females for each of our 4 roosters. we should have those from the chicks that are hatching today. Wish them luck, they have a hard time hatching.
Good luck!
Hello everyone. It's been so crazy here, I haven't had a chance to see what's going on with everyone! Turns out one of my Easter Eggers is a rooster. Is anyone in the Las Vegas area interested in a free rooster? He's not aggressive to me or my kids, is actually kind of shy. He's about 3 months old. Here's a picture of him:


Message me or call me at 702-658-9941.

You're in my prayers, SunnyDawn!

Congrats on the hatch, Penturner!
I'm anxiously awaiting pics of the new fuzzies.

Here is a pic of the relocated coop and new run! I'm going to disassemble the old run (also 8x16) and add on to this one. I'm going to put it four feet away and enclose that, too, which will give me another 12x16 space.

The "coop with a view":


The girls - well most of them anyway.


I took what I thought was going to be a really nice picture last evening with the moon just coming up over that hill behind the coop, but it came out all blurry.
One of these days, I'll read the (400-page!) manual on how to use my camera...
Good luck Sunny, congrats Penturner, great setup NevadaRon, and hello all Nevadans.

Guess what I got yesterday?

Four pullet eggs! Two Ameraucana and 2 Lt. Brahma, pretty good size eggs. The others are for comparison and the BCM and EE's are out of molt and laying.

Good night everybody.
I saw your listing on CL. I would take him but I have one already and I am already a bit worried about when the crowing starts what someone may say about him. Your roo is beautiful though !

On a secondary note... I got a incubator today, older model little giant with a turner. Trying to get it to keep temps set but will have to play with it more tomorrow.

My two viable trader joes eggs did not make it
my kids were pretty bummed. However I have two of my local eggs that are still kicking so hopefully I can get the bator up and running right so I can put them on lockdown in the next few days here.

We are getting a coop delivered to us tomorrow too
so it's all starting to shape up nicely for us.
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Hey everyone, I;m alive!! Dead tired, though, i went to the free movie night at the drive in and was out til one. The i went to school ^^. But im scanning through the pages, and i had to post about something! First of all, welcome to al new people!! I love how this is growing so fast. To whomever was looking for hens, im hoping to start my own little hatching thing next year. Probably wont get far though...and i also noticed a couple of you were 49er fans...bleh.
edit: im only on page 206.
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Sunny: I hope youre okay. surgery? Thats some scary stuff.

Genny: My mom gets off at five, I'll ask her when we can get that roo. Do you still have him? And wow! kicked by a horse? That is pretty epic. I hope theres no dam braimage
Ke_ben: Nice eggs! Still waiting on mine. If they dont start layign soon i might get rid of them, we cant afford to keep fifty chickens that dont lay. I'd keep my fav. though.
Nevadaron: Sooo jealous of your property! That is a nice coop. And camera manuals are over rated, just expirement. I saw the moon here too!! I took a million pics, but my lense is puny.
Mythcat: There's somthing wrong with Chevy!! Thats why I orriginally logged on here. But he's not acting 'right' if you know what I mean.
Aubrey:We dont really let them on the lawn, but we dont not let them either. They just kinda go where ever. So

Penturner:Awesome!! Tell us when you have pics.
Everyone else: Im not forgetting to mention you or anything, but I'll say Hi nonetheless

49er fans: Grow up raider fans are awesome (except for the crazy kind that try to kill people) Im more of a nasca person anyway.
New People: Welcome agian, you've all settled in great it seems. Without me here *sniff* lol jkjk Im sure we'll get to know eachother.
Re Food: Omg I so totally wish I was here for this topic i love it. I make the best Jambalaya ever (sorry Sparksnv, lol.) And we eat all kinds of meat in our house, pork, cow, rabbit (we have meat rabbits, Sunny!!) chicken, everything else. I had gator once, it was bland.
I like kalamari rings with marinara sauce. I know this sounds mean, but i like baby animals. Veal, lamb, lol.
Picture Posters: Thanks! I love seeing everyone's birds and coops.
It took me a bit to catch up on the thread and I hope everyone is doing well.

SunnyDawn you are definitely in our prayers and I hope everything goes perfect for you.

Wow Ron! That coop/pen looks amazing! You should not have any problems with predators with that setup. It's like Ft. Knox *LOL* Can ya take some pics of the inside? I would love to see how you have things setup inside.

Ke_Ben those are some awesome looking eggs, I love the deep brown ones, what kind of chickens did those come from?

Sorry about being MIA most of the week. We've been pretty busy around here getting things ready for winter and the new chicks I bought on Tuesday. They should be here next week and we want the coop done by the time they get here. Thank God I decided to do this before we had the coop finished because now we can actually change the plans around a bit to add a brooding section inside the coop and build the run with an enclosed section just for the chicks. We also had to change where we were going to house the chickens in the yard because our neighbours grandkids will not leave the chickens alone where they are at, which completely sucks because where they are at is the most perfect spot in my entire yard. That section is an oddball section that is not big enough to do anything with really except it's already fenced off on 3 sides and perfect for the chickens. But it has easy access from the road if someone wants to mess with them and they already started this week. I went out there Tuesday and my neighbour's grandkids were spraying the chicken run and the chickens down with their garden hose and making a huge nasty mess in my run. When I asked them stop they just huffed at me and walked off.

Then the next day one of my chickens went missing. I looked all over the neighbourhood for her and did not see any sign of her anywhere. Then yesterday morning she just showed back up in my yard but on the other side of the run and she was desperately trying to find a way back inside the chicken run with the other chickens. She has hopped the fence that is on the inside of our yard before because the fence is only 4 ft on that side but she always stays right near the gate. She has actually made a nest just on the other side of that fence and she hops the fence to lay her egg and then she wants back in the pen. The 3 Americana hens we had are nest nazis and they were not letting anyone but them lay in the nests we made so the other hens have made other nests out in the yard and this White Leghorn decided the best place was on the other side of the fence. But Wednesday she was completely gone. Nowhere in the yard, not under the house because I crawled under there with the colony of Black Widow spiders to find her and I searched around the entire neighbourhood for her. So the only thing I can think of is someone took her and then put her back a day later. *boggle* She has not even jumped the fence once since she has been back and I clipped her wing really short this time to make sure she cannot get any momentum built up to hop the fence.

But because of this incident and the hosing incident we will be putting the coop and run on the other side of my property where no one has access to them without coming through the dogs to get them.

I sold off all of the Americana hens and the bantam chickens I had to make room for the 21 chicks I ordered on Tuesday. It was partly to make room and partly to bring peace to the flock. The 3 Americana full size hens and the bantam American Rooster I had kept everyone in a constant state of flux. They would not let any of the other hens lay their eggs in the nest and when they made new nests the Americanas would run them off of the new nesting area and break their eggs. So for the sake of everyone I rehomed them and all of the bantams too. It is amazing how calm and peaceful it is in there now. Everyone is getting along, they are sharing the main food area and they are all relaxed laying around like all is right in the world. I cannot believe what a HUGE difference it made so quickly.

I could not believe how many calls and e-mails I got from 3 am (the time I posted on Craig's) til Noon when they were gone either. Ppl are pretty desperate for chickens these days. *LOL* A really nice gentleman from Peavine drove over to pick up the whole group which was great to see them go together.

With my chick order I got 6 Golden Laced Wyandotte hens and 1 rooster, 6 Black Australorp Hens and 1 rooster and 1 Silver-Laced Wyandotte rooster to go with the 6 Silver Laced Wyandotte hens that I already have.

So until the chicks get old enough to start laying I still have the 6 Silver Laced Wyandotte hens that just started laying this week, 3 Barred Rock hens, 4 Black Star hens and 2 White Leghorn hens. I also kept the White Crested Black Polish because they are so sweet and my boys made pets out of them. Whenever my boys head out to the pen the girls run over to them and fight to get picked up. It is so neat to watch, definitely one of those "Awwww..." moments.

Ok so that's it for now, it's dinner at the parental units house tonight so I gotta get going. I will check back in later tonight. You all take care and have a wonderful weekend!

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