
Genny - I am sure Sassy is close!
Her comb and wattles are very red as is her face. Cabo's & Chucklina's are getting larger but not very red (they are the other OrpxDel). Cabo is the dark one and Chuck is the one with a small amount of gold. Cabo is definitely ahead of Chuck though. The others (OrpxEE) are more red but very little in the wattle & comb department - not expecting much from them til late Oct I would think. A friend of my mother in law's gave us a dozen eggs yesterday (greens, pinks, browns - just beautiful!) - can hardly wait! I do think the gals are getting more curious about the nest boxes because I saw them today going back into the coop after being let out. They normally don't do that.

As far as laying when the roost - I check the coop out every day and clean the poo in the coop every other day & have not seen any evidence of broken eggs. I have also started checking out the places they like to rest in the run.

so still doing the egg watch!

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You might just wait for Halloween to be over with and ask your neighbors/schools/stores who have bales around for decorations if you can "help" them dispose of it!

You know I saw your post about that last night and thought that was a brilliant idea. I will keep an eye out for them. Thank you so much for the suggestion, it never occurred to me that ppl could not get rid of their halloween bales.
So I am obsessed.

Picked up more eggs to incubate, bought 5 chicks today 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Arucanas, 1 Rhode Island Red.

Met another local who is letting me borrow her incubator and my hubby has officially said that I have lost it ! I guess this is about normal though ?
LOL! Yep, those are "normal" symptoms of chicken obsession! Where did you get the new chicks? From a private party? And the hatching eggs? From Trader Joe's? I'm fascinated to see what the outcome of hatching a "store bought" egg would be!
Nevadaron - my eggs are from a lady that I buy from here locally, I need to ask her which breed they are from though. Shes getting me some blue ones in a few weeks too.

My Trader joes eggs did not make it. Developed until a few days ago and then stopped. However I have two others that are moving along nicely so hopefully next week I will have some new babies.

My chicks are from Jones tack and feed which is right up the road from me. I just couldn't resist.
I was wondering because the feed stores around here stop selling chicks in late spring.

I think practicing hatching eggs from TJ's makes a lot of sense because you can learn what works without spending a lot of money or losing your good chicks. I might try that myself next spring.
Genny, I love how Marilyn looks, but I love all the blue birds.
My mom doesnt know yet when we can get him, but I'll keep buggin her about it. I keep telling her you're going to eat him before we have a chance to get him.

NevadaRon, I'm a Bobby Lebonte fan from when I was like four. He was a rookie the year I was born. ^^ I have one of his tires in my bedroom, flags, cards, hotwheels, a bobble head, the works. Lol my female dog is named 'Bobby.' My second guy would be Denny Hamlin.
I like a lot of them. Harkvick, Gordon, Keslowski, Martin, Jr., sometimes Bush, and a couple others are okay. Im pretty much happy as long as Johnson, Edwards, Bowyer, etc dont win. Cant wait for tomorrow, thats gonna be good!! Im betting on Denny. Go 11!!!

SparksNv, I'll track down the exact recipe, but I dont really go off of it. I think i do like two packs of andoulle sausage, a oupe chicken breasts, some shrimp, etc. It's not the type that takes ll day to make, so i guess its not 'real' jambalaya, but I love the stuff and its the best I've ever had. I want to go to LA some day though, and get their stuff. I cant wait to see if you like it!!
Good Morning Nevadans!!!

Well, I'm bummed
- Saints game isn't going to be broadcasted here! My oldest daughter, who lives in Sacramento, is going to have friends over to watch the game - hope she checks her station line up - I just sent her a message to check. However, LSU won and so did the Wolfpack!

Genny: Sassy's wattle turned incredibly red yesterday evening. It was a huge change from about 2 hours before. She was also fairly easy to catch twice. We are really close to egg time!

Laceynoelle: I'll track down the exact recipe, but I dont really go off of it

Spoken like a true chef!
Just throw together what you do and I'll figure it out! I usually go back home (to New Orleans) about once a year. I will probably go in the Spring 2011. I want to take my dh and dd's to Mardi Gras (which is in March I think) but it is not in the budget.

shanyalv: good luck with hatching. That is something my daughters want to do but I have no desire to hatch and raise. Yup Chicken Math = obsession! I really want a few more hens and a second coop but my dh hasn't quite discovered Chicken Math yet!
I don't get it.

Briteday: what a great idea! I will scope out our neighborhood for leftover straw!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

Love, love, LOVE Nawlins! My stepdaughter attended Tulane, so we had lots of visits. (She's in St. Louis now, so not so much fun.)

Rock-n-Bowl.... What a trip! Husby also prefers LA hot sauce over Mexican versions. And I am an Andy Roo's fan from way back when (cajun spices and seasonings...their Italian blend rocks, but makes me sneeze every time I shake it).

Our last trip there (pre-Katrina) was for Tiffany's graduation. We stayed in the French Quarter and reveled in the nights... Too many Hurricanes at LaFitte's and ample slushies on Bourbon Street, great dining at the restaurants, beignets and coffee at Cafe du Monde in the morning (Hint: Avoid Bourbon Street at dawn....not real pretty as they're hosing off the previous night's aftermath and the only thing that's open is the porn store..all guaranteed to kill one's appetite). But the food....the food....

Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane!

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