
Oh Noooooo!!!!! Well I have fertile eggs now and my Ams are laying so if you want a few eggs in spring (actually you live in such a temperate climate you could take them anytime) let me know! I would wait a month or so though, so the pullets have time to mature some. You'll get a better hatch that way.

Aubreynoramarie that sounds terrific! How much does Green's charge for that block?

Might take you up on that. I have a couple in the bator right now that are BBS. I really want more blues and lavs though. My little lavs are so cute! Hatched on the 6th.
Sunny: per your request


First egg cooking:


I am getting one to two eggs a day. I did get one egg two days ago that was alot darker but Olivia ate it before I could take a picture. My kids think I'm weird taking pics of my chickens and eggs.

One of my Orp/EE's has been squatting since 10/31 - I am hopeful for a green egg soon (BTW her name is Verde - spanish for green)

Ron: Forget the heated water bowl - not warming the water - at least working on the timer. I think I will trial it on a regular outlet, not going through the timer. The heater you found, will it be dangerous in the coop with the shavings? I think I will look for one of those really thick rubber bowls for the coop. When the birds get let out, the water outside is changed.

Aubreynoramarie: My friend is not going to be able to take your BO. I'm sorry! I thought about buying one of those flock blocks but I really want my girls to eat their pellets. I find if I give any treats they will ignore their pellets. The funniest thing though is when I let the gals in the backyard to free range and I need them to come back to the run, all I have to do is get some scratch/BOSS mix in the scoop cup and shake - they come running sooooo fast - can we say Pavlov?

Sunny and/or Genny: Do you think you will have any EEs that will lay blue eggs? If so, I might be interested. Do you have breeds that lay the really dark chocolate eggs? I want to buy 2 more hens but they have to lay blue or dk brown.

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carol, its okay!

im going to put her on craigslist and see if anyone would like her for a starter flock. what do you guys suppose would be a fair price? she is maybe five months now. shes still pink but i thought i saw her squat a few days ago, so maybe eggs soon? i just dont know how much an almost laying pullet is worth...

lol, here is her mugshot. i dont think i will ever have a buff orp again, i dont like her personality.

Thanks Jeeper1540! That looks pretty cool - decorative, too, depending on how fancy the cookie tin is!

Carol I hope you are still thinking of some type of warmer for your water. There will be days where it will not get above the freezing mark and you will need one.

aubreynoramarie - love the "mugshot" - LOL!
She's a cutie.
haha, thanks ron

Jeeper Well the woman i got her from had never actually gone out and spent anytime with the chickens and they were deathly afraid of people. I have gotten her to not run for her life when i come into the coop, but i cant get her to chill out and not freak when i pick her up, er...attempt to.
Well one of my Davis FBCM roos is getting frisky again. Figures it's the oldest one, but hey, I need hatching eggs!

The fav trio I bought this month it seems the girls are looking a little bit darker today.

My games are not with a roo, so if they'd just start laying I wouldn't have to buy eggs.

Gonna be a while for some of the other breeds. Sure hope I get Marans eggs again soon. I have to find something to hatch for Mahonri's New Years Hatch!
Back to where you can find black sunflower seeds...originally I got them at Walmart..over in the pet department for wild bird seed they have 10 pound bags for right around 10$...We have a Cal Ranch store here in Elko that is a ranch supply store based out of Idaho, but I go to IFA which is another ranch supply store here that has been in business longer and run by local people. That's where I got the 50 pounds.
This website is so awesome, I recommend it to all my friends and neighbors! Thanks everybody!!!!
And IFA supports 4-H and FFA alot. The manager is been 4-H Leader for probably 10 or 15 years. The CAL store is more of a corporation store.

•Small Store
•Carry animal food to your car
•Employees know what they are talking about

•Bigger Store/Bigger Selection
•Have to go get feed yourself from back of store
•Usually friendly people
•Not as knowledgeable

Thats just IMO though

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