
Welcome DomC,
Sunny, I always enjoy seeing you. The big girls are doing great but we did bring them into the shop last night simply because they did not quite have time to learn their way around after we got home. Btu they settled right in and are acting comfortable. The little ones had a little rougher time. The trip home had really taken it out of them and all they wanted to do was flop down and sleep. we left them alone for a couple of hours and then started checking on them. It was about 8 last night that they started getting up and looking around. They are right as rain today but we are still not pestering them to much.
I want to give them a few days of peace and quiet to help counter the stress.
Weekly News:


Good news! I recieved news from my FFA Advisor today that some of the pigs from the shipment have lice!

Anyway he gave me (and everyone else who got pigs) some Ivomec, just in case mine have them as well. it has only been for sure in a couple pigs from the shipment, but better safe then sorry


The chicks are getting bigger! especially the EE's, i cannot believe they are only a week apart, they look so much bigger than the Australorps! Also, my adults have been laying more lately, and I am getting less broken eggs. Seems like it was a great move getting rid of that mean White Leghorn.


We found someone to come take a look at our horse. he actually is on the way out here as i type this. i guess his daughter has a horse, and his wife wants an old gentle horse to start riding on so she can ride with the daughter.


Its gunna sound silly, but is anyone interested in a probably 8 year old cow? we have had her since she was a baby, and bottle fed her when her mom abandoned her, and nobody in the family has the heart to butcher and eat her because of this. I would love if anyone wanted a cow for their range or something. if anyone may be interested, please let me know. now i must get of BYC, as my pigs require shots...

And to Eglyntine... I hope your new doctor can help and you start to feel better!
well giving the pigs the shot (mentioned in my last post) went... ok? i got my hand cut on the wire and my cow about broke into the pen. i think she thinks she is the pigs mom or something, and freaked out when they started squealing from being grabbed. either way, they have received the meds.
DomC. I'm in Vegas too. Don't know offhand of anyone raising chukkar but they sure are cute little things. I think someone must raise some around me somewhere cause I swear I took a photo of a bird on our front fence that looked just like those. Now I gotta go search through photos to check...
What an awesome variety!!! LOVE the pics!

Vegaschick maybe the birds that you took a pic of belong to Dom.
That would be so funny if they were!

Daniel, glad to hear the big girls had an easy transistion and that the babies are settling in as well.

Jeeper you don't sound busy enough! I think you need a few more projects!
JK, JK! I've always wanted a calf or two but they would be raised for beef. Good luck finding your girl a home! That is so cute that she thinks the piggies are her babies.
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NV thread, DomC! I've never raised chukar but I've hunted them. They are very difficult to hunt! There's a saying around here that the first time you hunt chukar it's for sport; after that, it's for revenge
Their habitat is high mountains - they prefer steep, rugged terrain. So the only real way to hunt them is to go right after it snows because the snow drives them down low enough to give you a chance.
What breed is she? Is she a milker? I want a milk cow so bad and after spending a great deal of the day searching this town for some Porterhouse steaks I am really sick of the lack of top quality food items in this town. I have been telling my husband btwn the milk (and all of the by products that come with that) and the once a year calf it would totally make it worth our while.

Does anyone know if there is a cowsharing program/group/coop in the Reno/Sparks area?
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