
Attemped number 2 at my coop.
All the fence is chainlink panels on the gate panels I am going to by signs for them. . Each pen will have a roost bars and nest boxes or show cages. The floor is cement with pine shaving bedding. Each pen has a large window on the wall and a small circle window on the door. The coop will be atleast 6' tall an each house will be 8'x8' an the runs will be 8' wide and 16' long. The runs will be dirt and I would like to put a sandbox in each run with a little DE mixed in. I will keep my old bantam coop for quarantine purposes.

The 1st unit is a storage/feed/ tack room it will be on a cement pad. With a cat door for the barn cats.

The 2nd compartment is the laying hens and the rooster they snuck in. In the house they will have nest boxes roosting bar plus a inside feeder and waterer. The outside run will have a waterer and grit and oyster shell feeders. The gate panel will have this sign

3rd compartment will be my ducks they will have a feeder an waterer inside show cage and inoor pool in the winter.
The outside run will have a waterer and a pool for Spring through Fall (or until Nevada decides to be warm). The gate panel will have a sign if I can find one I like (post any ideas please.)

The 4th Compartment will be my batam boys and show chickens They will have a feeder waterer and roost bars plus show cages. The ouside pen will have waterer and grit feeder. The gate panel will have this sign

the 5th compartment will be for goats and anyother market animal I have.
Inside they will have a spare pen a water trough a feeder and hay rack plus a couple spools to play on.
outide they will have a water trough an hay rack with a big play gym and a spare run outside. The gate panel will have this sign or this one


I can't get the words any bigger.

ETA to add details.
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Everyone & Tyler, who I see is still on here. Well I made huge progress with Bella today. She didn't last long outside yesterday when she tried to attack Sundae again but today I let her outside at 9:30 this morning and she was actually very nice to everyone, I just smiled and watched her. She did jump over the fence twice today but I put her back with everyone else, she wanted to eat my swiss chard and I'm trying to grow it back right now after letting them have at it last week. But what really surprised me the most was when I brought out the treats tonight, their all time favorite first - polenta, to my huge surprise Bella jumped over the fence and ran to me with cooing I looked down and there she was and she looked happy, sorry but first time this has ever happened with her, so I told her to come on let's go and she followed me back to the enclosure and she ate with every one else and didn't fight with anyone. Wow! Then I went in and got them their fruit (strawberries) and she actually shared this time and didn't chase anyone or peck or jumped on them, just nothing. I was very happy. Then it was bedtime and she waited to go in last and when she went in she took a lower spot at first then Monique did some type of talk and she stepped up to the top. She's right next to the Wyandottes sleeping now. Everyone is in their spots and their pecking order like they should be. Let's pray this continues.
Yesterday I kept counting when she would be at Aubrey's but now I'm happy with her and know she was trying to be very dominate almost like a rooster.

Anyways, I must go off to bed now and wake up early and have another good day tomorrow with the flock!
Tyler that coop looks great and it looks like you are going to have tons of room in there for a lot of chickens, you might actually need 3 roo's because it looks like you can hold over 30 chickens?

Very nice job there!
Thanks. It's just for a the birds I have right now. I only have the two ducks the 10 laying hens and their rooster (I'm still mad at him) and the 4 bantams boys.

It'll make cleaning easier too.
She's my Orpington who thought she could be really mean to all of the hens except for 1 until she learned that if she continues to do that then she stays in the brooder and it worked, it just took 5 nights and 2 half days and she's broke from it for now. I think it might come back but perhaps it won't, I think she really missed the special treats though.
Gaited Horse,

Plumas-Sierra County Fair in Quincy, CA. The boys are in 4-H.

(My favorite entry was thhe 5 month old RIR cockerall that was a pullet. Oops!)

BTW, congrats on your Eagle, from the mother of 2 Eagle scouts.
Wow Tyler that looks like a great setup! Nice job! Love that 1st goat sign!!!
Aubrey will have to check out that site you linked when she gets her goats.
That egg sign is super cute too!

For Bella!!!!!
You are one dedicated Mom!

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