
glad Bella is getting better.

Thanks for the compliments on the yard. I did the landscaping myself. We pulled out our lawn 5 years ago and put in some xeriscaping in much of it. The bed in the front by the mailbox is on drip system. i have roses and other plants in there. It's still a work in progress. there's more to fill in but it's so hard to dig in that rocky clay.

We haven't made it to the rib cookoff yet. too busy working on the coop. maybe tomorrow.

kaichai, very nice rabbits. thanks for posting pics.
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sorry those 2 didn't make it:hit Hope you have more success next time.

Thank you Elizabeth!

BTW I agree with Sheryl, beautiful landscaping! I'm a firm believer in less lawn more water wise xeriscaping.
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We live in the Lakeridge Shores area. All I know is, I will never buy a house in an HOA and I don't like having neighbors! I miss living in the middle of nowhere Canada at times. We never had to worry about any of this before we moved away.

I think I remember someone asking about rabbit photos? Here are a few of mine:

Those are three of my bucks from when I first got them. They're in separate cages now. They're just over 5 months old in this photo.

This is my doe, and she's 8 weeks in this photo.

ETA - Finally got the photos to work!

I really need those. If only I could get my cages to make babies too.

Okay. I've got Raiders shirts, keychians, stickers, and a huge amazing Raiders comforter on my gotta problem with Raiders Sunny?

Well I'm a Niner fan and if you knew all the problems we've had at "The Stick" from their fans you'd understand. Still after they got Jerry Rice, my heart softened a little. I did love Jerry! Seriously I have friends in the Bay Area that are Raider fans and are embarrassed to death to admit it sometimes because of how horrible a lot of the Raider fans are!
It's a shame they can't just relax and let folks enjoy the game. I mean seriously! What possible threat are the Niners to any team these days!
That has nothing to do with you though! I know you've got much more class.

Genny you crack me up! You're such a softee!

Beckycs I've been there, don't wanna go there again. They really are social creatures and don't do well alone. Lacey is right you kinda have to step in as foster Mom and let them bond to you instead. I've even heard of women carrying them around in their bras (No I've never done this, I keep imagining poop in sacred places
) but I'm afraid I'm not that committed a chicken mom! They need too much attention for me. I usually just track down a chick or two to add to the brooder.

Hey Heather!!! Haven't heard from you in ages! How is the Hubby and the Kiddos?

Hi Sam! Thanks for stopping in to say Hi! Yes I am adding you to the OP, even if you are just saying Hi cause I bugged you to.
's Nevada thread!

Hi Sheryl! We hope to stop by the Rib Fest tomorrow. Any advice on who has the best ribs this year?

Adorable rabbits kaichai! Love the pics!

Hi Sunny - We always love Desparado's they are always consistant with their cooking every year. We always start with the corn, then the onion rings & zucchini, then we get the ribs and we finish it off with a beer at the brew pub right there on Victorian Ave, can't remember the name of it this early in the morning.

I was a raider fan until they moved to LA so I became a 49'ers fan until Joe Montana left, so I then became a Colts fan because my DS played for the Colts on his Pop Warner days. I am now a raider/49'er/Colt fan altogether. When I put our Super Bowl party together at work I was able to get the current Raiderettes here and it was a blast, they are very professional and so very pretty too! Everyone loved them!

I was going to say the same thing about the chick Becky - Just give it something to love and all is well but I haven't had to do this before so I could be wrong but it looks like it worked, let's pray the batteries have a long life!
Oh how nice!
My DH is wanting a pair of them next year, is it possible to work something out for late spring with any of them? We are not ready atm for ducks until we get the coop moved to it's permament spot and then we can put the duck area/pond in it's spot.
Just letting you all know that I am here and livin in SW reno. Doing my best to keep the chicken math under control with a manageable 10 hens, one roo, 3 drakes and one female. Looking for more female Khaki campbells!

Welcome Dirtgirl! This is a fun group.

Jose took the kids to the rib cook-off and will bring me some food back home. I need to make another home depot run. After all my hours of planning, I am short a 2x2 square of plywood on the coop floor. I have made several mistakes so far but all have been fixable. It's been slow going but it's turning out good. will post some photos later.

I finally added an avatar. It's a photo of my cat, Mirinda, who died of cancer a little over a year ago. She was a sweety and a great companion to me.

thanks, Sunny, for the compliments on the landscaping. It just makes no sense to have so much lawn in our climate. We have grass in part of the back yard for the kids to play but that's all the grass left. Our new neighbors across the street just put in new sod in the whole front yard.
they're out there hand watering every day. Well, I better get moving. I've been to home depot or lowes almost every day this week!

Oh, and I do not watch football so I have no opinions on that discussion! However, if the Vikings were to do well, I would cheer for them, since I'm from Minnesota.

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