
Hi everyone! I'm feeling down today because I'm going to lose Bella from those nasty worms and I hate it! I hate using poison on the ladies as it is but I see now that I need to do it anyways and not go the natural way anymore, I'm going to worm quarterly now so this does not happen again. Yesterday when I got home Bella was sitting in the coop and didn't get up like she usually does to run out of the coop so she can free range. I picked her up and she was already prolasped as well with a lot of white poo on her bottom. I cleaned her up and placed her in the brooder so she can relax. I'm going to cull her tonight so she does not suffer anymore then she has already. Anyways, I thought I would let everyone know what was going on.

Take care!

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Whoa! It always gets worse before it gets better. I have a VERY good cattle de-wormer that works 200% better than chicken dewormers. You should try it before you cull. Also a prolapse doesn't sound like a worm thing...
Shes tried natural stuff, then some other wormer medicine. I forgot which kind but she couldnt eat the eggs for a week, sounds pretty unnatural. Im sorry about Bella, Sheryl.
Hi Aubrey - No I was trying the natural way until I saw she was getting way too thin and her breast bone was showing just like your Agnes, she's like a skeleton now. I gave all the ladies the horse de-wormer for tapeworm because that's what I found in an egg. Bella was first with 1/2 cc dose, I did it on Sunday, August 28th. I fed them several times a day with oatmeal soaked with buttermilk and she was eating it up too. She passed a shell less egg with a huge tapeworm inside, it was the size of my ring finger, she was eating very well like everyone else and she was acting great with everyone. She was the best she had ever been. Monday when I got home from work she was resting under the tree. I brought out the oatmeal and she took 2 bites and walked away and went and got water but she was looking fine until yesterday and I already wrote about that. I held her the rest of the day and night until it was bed time. She can't walk anymore nor is she steady when she tries to move, it's the signs of a dying chicken for sure.
Yes, I was doing the garlic & DE method along with the buttermilk and acv w/mother but it didn't work. The worms were really bad, you would not believe how many we catch every single day with the fly trap. I must replace it every 3 days because of how full it is, I think they love the virgin chicken smell. We haven't even had any flies in the 15 years we've been here until a few weeks ago and it sprung so fast upon us. We were using the DE like it was water all over but DE takes weeks to kill insects and I didn't have weeks with the worms but I was being very aggresive on those flies except for getting the traps, which I should have done on the onset of the issue but hindsight is 20/20 and boy did I learn how to be a Monday quarterback with this. I am vowing to never loose a bird because of something I didn't do that's for sure. I asked God to forgive me last night and for her to go peacefully, John says I can't kill her that I must let her die on her own but I can't do that so if she's still alive when I get home from work today I'm going to take her to the vet and have her put down. Then I'm sending her to the UNR extension to find out what exactly happened to her so I don't have this issue with any of the other ladies. Oh and yes, they are all ladies now because every single one of them are laying their eggs.
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Yes, I was doing the garlic & DE method along with the buttermilk and acv w/mother but it didn't work. The worms were really bad, you would not believe how many we catch every single day with the fly trap. I must replace it every 3 days because of how full it is, I think they love the virgin chicken smell. We haven't even had any flies in the 15 years we've been here until a few weeks ago and it sprung so fast upon us. We were using the DE like it was water all over but DE takes weeks to kill insects and I didn't have weeks with the worms but I was being very aggresive on those flies except for getting the traps, which I should have done on the onset of the issue but hindsight is 20/20 and boy did I learn how to be a Monday quarterback with this. I am vowing to never loose a bird because of something I didn't do that's for sure. I asked God to forgive me last night and for her to go peacefully, John says I can't kill her that I must let her die on her own but I can't do that so if she's still alive when I get home from work today I'm going to take her to the vet and have her put down. Then I'm sending her to the UNR extension to find out what exactly happened to her so I don't have this issue with any of the other ladies. Oh and yes they are all ladies now because every single one of them are laying their eggs.

sorry to hear that, sheryl. i hope it doesn't come to that. so sad

I know that even though Agnes was STARVING she needed to be force fed every hour because for some reason chickens will not eat when they're starving to death- go figure. Unfortunately it was a stupid holiday weekend and all the feed stores were closed so I was unable to get any dewormer.

If she has passed the worm and is still starving it cuz she won't eat and really needs high protein foods. Some of the things people suggested to me were egg yolks, beef flavored baby food, anything really high calorie and protein...

ETA chickens are big fat fly attractors. It mellows out A LOT by late October, I promise

E AGAIN TA a friend on here had a barred rock that went through the same thing as AGGIE and Bella. She was at her worst an was able to pull out of it but it took about three or four weeks for her to get better
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