
Only $400?!!! Geesh!
We used kennel fencing for part of our run at the old house. It works great if you have a nice tall fence around your yard but here I need a much taller run and we will cover it as well. We couldn't find 7' t-posts so we got the 6' tall ones instead and figured we would buy some of those t-post extensions we see on-line to top them off or we will put a couple of very tall posts in the middle of the run and make it like a circus tent.
Anyone used these extensions before? I found them but they didn't list prices on-line and I was hoping we could talk to others that had used them before we call and find out how much it would be.
I am sooo excited! Aubrey came over and we got the tree and we put up most of the lights. The house looks so cheery right now!!!

I just need to run into town to pick up a few more strings of lights and then it will be all done. I'll get pics when it'a all finished!
yeah! today was super fun. Hope its as awesome as you wanted!

Doing another flyer tonight. Usually i do my comic-booky things but tonight i wanted to try painting and since sunny's roos were so inspiring i ended up with this

that part was cool but i ended up ruining the whole thing after i did my words by trying to do some kind of background.
I did weird distorted polka dots and it just looked way too busy so i covered them all with more white paint and now its just a mess. hahaha, oh well, i warned the guy this was my first time painting. im thinking once its printed all of the weird texture changes wont be as noticable.

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