Never been WORMED!! DO I NEED TO???


The Omelet Ranch
10 Years
Sep 18, 2009
SF East Bay CA
I hatched 9 hens that are now 14 weeks old and 27 chicks that are now 7 weeks old.

I never wormed it necessary and important to their continued health????

If so what do you guys recommend??
i sugest putting apple sider vinigar in their water and/or you can top dress their feed with DE

hope i helped
Necessary only if you notice diarrhea, worms is the stool or have a sick chicken. When I spoke to a vet a cornell, he said that whenever a chicken comes in sick they deworm it before anything else. I have to deworm mine, just a matter of personal preference. Everything under my care gets dewormed (except my DH), it's just the way I have been taught to handle all species. Once you see a worm in the stool, it is necessary to continue to deworm, indefinately. The eggs will lay dormant in the soil for a long time and the chickens WILL get them again.

I would definatley deworm for cocci when they are pullets/cockerals (technically not a worm, which requires a different medication than roundworms) cause you will never see those in the stool and they can cause some damage over time if not taken care of.

did that help?
mostly it's personal preference, just like I don't believe that any homeopathic remedy will work, with enough efficacy, to deworm
Excellent got it, I've seem some diarrhea

Can you suggest how to deworm for 7 weeks olds and 13 week olds (in same pen as adults)
I'm not an advocate of deworming birds that young unless I've seen worms in the stool or taken a stool sample to the Vet for microscopic exam and confirmation of worms. However, given the age of your birds and some evidence of diarrhea, I would treat them for coccidiosis using Sulmet. The reason I suggest Sulmet instead of Corrid (amprolium) is because the Sulmet is a sulfa-based antibiotic that may be able to deal with the cocci plus any secondary bacterial infection that may be present. I believe the treatment for cocci with Sulmet is over 6 days. If this is cocci, you should notice improvement within just a few days. If this doesn't solve your problems, then get that stool sample and have it analyzed for worms by the Vet.
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diarrhea hmmm well I've seen some, maybe only 1 or 2, so I'll keep an eye out to double check it's just not a runny one.

Any other opinons please....

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