New Anti-Spam System

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a few... the number changes... so if you are active for a day or so it will allow it
actually you can post now it just takes a while to post a picture.
how do i post? i want to buy buff orphington chickens but do not know how to post it. help
Okay look at the top of this page you'll see index, click there and you'll be at the forum. theres all kinds of sites to go on from raising baby chicks to the auction. just look around and you'll find all kinds of info. plus theres the social forum where you can meet people in your own state. after you find a thread you're interested in just click on it. there will be a place that says post reply just like you did here and you can also start a new topic. Have fun!!
... now a catch 22. I can't post my eggs for sale because my state is not in my profile, but I can't update my profile until I have 10 posts.
I've been on lots of boards and this is the first time I have had to deal with this! I really think it needs to be reconsidered. I prefer to deal with those horrible captchas on a few posts than be prevented from asking my questions.

For example I came here seeking advice about the chickens I just picked up. Now I have to wait around who knows how long until something kicks in so I can post my question in the What Breed is This topic. That is down right unfriendly.

You can get rid of most spam by verifying email addresses, and the rest using a IP Blacklist. You should still have a support address or such that can request an address be white-listed because spamers don't stay on an address forever. If you need help doing it PM me and we can work something out.

I'm pretty certain that the forum administrators have tried and considered quite a few measures before choosing this one as a method to keep spammers at bay. The easiet way to get the low required number of posts is to post. Answer questions, ask questions, welcome other new members.

BYC is anything but unfriendly. It is a family forum, so the spam really has to be kept out. Once you get a few more posts you will be able to post pics and we'll be glad to guess at breeds. Uhm, results not guaranteed!

Thanks for the feedback. Believe us, we've done a TON of analysis and tests to limit the affect on legit members. We're happy to report that the process of moving from "new" to "not new" and being able to post pictures is VERY VERY easy!
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