New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

Good night, last check in. I have to hook my self up to this machine so I can sleep. I have apnea, it is nice to breath. I hope you were successful in that air opening.

When I was a kid we had to make an incubator and hatch eggs. We were to bring one in every other day, by the end mine were the only ones to develop and hatch, 4 of them. My mother was against it and told me she know nothing about chickens and could help me. She gave me a Windex bottle with water in it, to spray the eggs. Don't really remember if I sprayed the eggs or the box. 57 or so years ago is a long time. When they hatched all she said was that she know it.

It is going to be a hard night, kind of like Christmas Eve.

OH, has anyone counted the watchers?
have a good night lady kota! Thank you so much for joining here this evening! I'm sorry about your mums cockatoo, birds make such good friends and family and it is always hard to say goodbye.

thanks so much for the guide Oz!

from your (or anyone's) experience, do you think it's in this eggs best interest to try and get in there and do this procedure with the needle? I don't want to intervene too early at all, I just want to do what is best. :)

At this stage it has been 13 hours since I first saw the pip, no more cheeping but I did see the egg rocking a few times just before.
have a good night lady kota! Thank you so much for joining here this evening! I'm sorry about your mums cockatoo, birds make such good friends and family and it is always hard to say goodbye.

thanks so much for the guide Oz!

from your (or anyone's) experience, do you think it's in this eggs best interest to try and get in there and do this procedure with the needle? I don't want to intervene too early at all, I just want to do what is best.

At this stage it has been 13 hours since I first saw the pip, no more cheeping but I did see the egg rocking a few times just before.
if it can rock, it can breathe

honestly I hate assisting a hatch. its a slippery slope. If you get in there and tear the inner membrane before it has finished draining the blood back through the umbilicus and into the bird, you get to watch it bleed to death. I have murdered a couple because of impatience and/or ignorance.

its been 28 hours since it internally pipped and 13 hrs since externally pipping. its rocking. its sounds like its doing ok. its 630pm there right? (where in oz are you by the way?)
just a quick update to say I shone the torch through real quick and wow the baby is really dancing about in there and looks like hammering about with its beak!
I'm in the Queensland area, so it's only 5:30pm here right now. How are your pipped eggs doing?

I've decided to collect the materials in case I need to assist, but I'd rather hold off until really necessary. It sounds like it's doing good in the experience of others, so that's enough for me. Thank you so much :')
Well happy Sunday morning from the uk, I thought I would get up to pics of a hatched mystery chick! But at least I have all day to keep checking in! S glad it's moving about loads! Good luck!

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