New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

[COLOR=800000]Aart - You may try clicking on the OPs name and then "all Posts" You still have to open them but they should show only the ones you want. That may be preferable to you, hope it helps.....[/COLOR]
now its a chatty thread to help aart not participate in a chatty thread.
its amazing what i learn in the chat
Trying to catch up, had to help daughter move, grocery, garden, and get over to my moms. Been reading. . . . I agree now chatty. But remember it is hard to just sit and stare at a computer. It feels more like people in a waiting room having conversation in between updates. Going back to read. Have to help mom.
Finally finished all the Posts, family out the door helped. Now just mom and I, she is sleeping for the moment.

no ? yet? I sure wish little ? would hatch.

I do hope we can just keep company until next update or the great coming out. What ealse can you do in a world wide waiting room?

i do regret not taking that job. It would have been a good time in my life. I've always been difficult for my mon. She wanted a pink bow little girl, instead she got a long bow and quiver little girl. But then again, what do you expect from a kid sent to a British Private Boys School (Public School). I was an experimental girl to see if a female could fit in. We were taught to think, not dogma. Our teachers were retired professors, one had written our text book. He call it crap, because,
much of the information is wrong or erroneous. New information has come out that changed everything. He was a fun teacher, I think he had 4 or 5 Doctorates. He spent time working on the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Hey guys, sorry! I totally crashed out after candling again, I've got a killer headache today, booo. Proceeded to have real short dream about egg hatching, woudln't it be nice!

Update result of candling is that there is still lots of movement inside, but this time I couldn't locate the voidish yellow area I saw yesterday which I thought looked like the absorbed yolk sack from the Goose Incubation Guide. I also can't locate any red circulatory areas, just darkness outside of the aircell, and inside the aircell lots of wriggling and flinching and what looks like tapping about. Around where the bill looked to be there seemed to be a slightly lighter area?--as if perhaps it is chipping at the membrane? I'm not sure if that happens and causes a lighter patch, or if it was just the light catching around the bill.

A little bit of rocking of egg, last night before sleep I didn't mention in case it didn't amount to anything (which it turns out it didn't!) but in my final check before bed there was a heap of rocking and rolling of the egg- this morning a little bit, like tremors. But still no cheeping noises. It's stopped talking to me noooo.
I'm a little bit nervous to do so; it hasn't been 30 hours yet since external pip; I don't want to cause a problem by going in too soon but I don't want it to run out of air. I might try easing the edge of the pip up a tiny bit if by 30 hours since pipping there's still no change at all. Is that the best thing to do? That will be in about 15 minutes!

Either way, having another coffee first though, don't want to be doing anything tentative with a headache. :)
I'm gonna pull out my hair too -
patience is NOT one of my strong suits. Everytime I see a new post, I come running over and NOTHING Just chatty people - just kidding. Either I'm getting ulcers or maybe the 6 Blue Bunny ice cream sandwiches I ate(back to back) didn't settle well. Stress shatters all my diet rules and it's all monster egg's fault. I MUST know what's inside & it must come out.
I'm a little bit nervous to do so; it hasn't been 30 hours yet since external pip; I don't want to cause a problem by going in too soon but I don't want it to run out of air. I might try easing the edge of the pip up a tiny bit if by 30 hours since pipping there's still no change at all. Is that the best thing to do? That will be in about 15 minutes!

Either way, having another coffee first though, don't want to be doing anything tentative with a headache. :)
GAH!!!! Ok, you MUST lift just a teeny corner of the pipped shell so you can KNOW it has air. Then mist it once with a spray bottle of water and return to hand-sitting.

Yes, this is enough that I couldn't lurk any longer without speaking of luck, and hope it goes well. I'll be back in about 2 hours. Wish I could come help!!
I'm a little bit nervous to do so; it hasn't been 30 hours yet since external pip; I don't want to cause a problem by going in too soon but I don't want it to run out of air. I might try easing the edge of the pip up a tiny bit if by 30 hours since pipping there's still no change at all. Is that the best thing to do? That will be in about 15 minutes!

Either way, having another coffee first though, don't want to be doing anything tentative with a headache. :)

If it has been 30 hours with the external pip, there are no blood vessels left around the pip, as long as you are just opening a small hole at the pip location and mist it before putting it back in, you will not cause any harm!

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