New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

Hahaha! I'm obviously a vegemite fan and could really go for a soft sandwich of it right now, except its dinner time and I'm making pasta instead.

just wanted to check in and say there wont be pictures tonight like I hoped, we were in a minor car crash today- nobody hurt, but a huge waste of time and energy!
Hahaha! I'm obviously a vegemite fan and could really go for a soft sandwich of it right now, except its dinner time and I'm making pasta instead.

just wanted to check in and say there wont be pictures tonight like I hoped, we were in a minor car crash today- nobody hurt, but a huge waste of time and energy!
Oh my, glad you are o.k!
Isn't vegimite the same as the green poo that our poultry are sometimes afflicted with? It tastses like it anyway. Blahhh yeck

Not sure, I've never tried the green poo
From a US point of view I have tasted it and wasnt prepared for the taste so I didint like it. But I probably used too much. I bought a little jar and went by what someone told me to do to eat it. Toasted buttered bread and a layer of Vegemite..... How simple could that be. It looked like peanut butter so I put about a quarter inch layer on the toast.... Not good.

Here is what Wikipedia says about it....

But in a nut shell its a nutritional paste made from cast off yeast from the Beer making process. It is LOADED with vitimines and amino acids No fat and Too much salt for my taste. And I can eat very salty things.

I guess I was just expecting an odd tasting Peanut butter and got an odd tasting Yeasty Salt dose.

Well, I'm sorry about the wreck, but you'll only get a very short reprieve from picture-posting duties before the villagers begin to reach for pitchforks and best be coughing up some fabulous Basil shots soon!!

I haven't been on to lurk in some time, but now that I'm back I mean business!! Cute pics pronto!!!


Seriously, though- great job you're doing, and I hope you keep us up-to-date...we're all hooked!

edited to add:

I'm in the natural foods industry and all of the major stores I do sales in have vegemite on the shelf somewhere- it's usually stocked 3 facings wide and stacked 3 tall and about 15 deep...

The folks who like vegemite LIKE vegemite. Haven't tried it myself, but I love interesting foods, so I'm tempted...
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