New baby chick question?


10 Years
May 13, 2009
2 of my bantam shamo chicks just hatched out from their mother in the laying box, so i took the chicks and the other 3 eggs and put them in a big plastic tub with allot of shavings. i put their mother in their with them and she quickly covered up the eggs and the chicks..... so my question is will the babys be alright in the garage with the mother tonight i have checked on her twice and i have yet to se the babys because she is covering them. i also covered 3/4 of the tank with a blanket. i live in maine but its not to cold anymore.

Will they be ok?
As long as no pretators have access to them I think they'll be fine. As long as Momma's taking care of them, I would'nt worry too much. Just keep them safe.

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