New Backyard Chicken Farmer


In the Brooder
May 26, 2017
My story - Let me begin by saying I didn't want chickens. I had no time for chickens. Both my wife and I work full time, and have 2 very active kids and three dogs. As a family, over the years we have always seemed to have a lot of pets, I could've probably opened my own zoo. Well the kids got older and the pets besides the fish and the dogs declined. And so I thought I was in the clear. UNTIL....until my daughters 5th grade teacher suggest that she incubate and hatch eggs for her science project. I said ok, and agreed to not keeping any! And we all agreed. Fast forward, 21 days, and 12 chicks hatch out of 24. Note: some were duds, and 5 just didn't hatch however this is a science expirement on there life cycle and not hatching is part of the science. Not bad for first timers.
10 days later chicks are growing faster than anticipated and they are growing on us.....
A month later they are ready to go into there coop. Yes, all 12 of them! Now my daughter is going to learn about taking care of chickens, selling eggs, and becoming a young entrepreneur. So the chicks that I didn't want are now part of our family, they all have names and everyone is happy!
Welcome to BYC!

Great project! lol

What breed/s did you hatch?
What do you plan on doing with the boys?

Please post pictures when you get settled in.
The attack of chicken math. :) I love birds in general. I like watching hawks fly in the sky, and drift on wind currents. However, I also love dogs. My wife is a cat person. She could care less about birds or dogs. They say opposites attract, which is true.

Chickens do find a way of squirming their way into hearts. Congrats on a successful 1st hatch and best of luck with the new flock!
Thanks everyone for the welcoming! I am not 100% sure what we got, the old Italian farmer didn't know either, lol. He said, you wanted fertile eggs so here you go, lol! The boys will probably go back to the farmer or to other friends with chickens. In my town, its illegal to have roosters. I will post pictures soon. Thanks again.

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