New batch of chickens! Can you help identify the breeds?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 15, 2013
I just received my baby chicks from Meyer Hatchery today. They arrived all alive, only one had pasty butt, but seems to be doing much better now. I am pretty sure I know what breeds they are but anyone want to take some guesses just for fun?? I could be wrong!

Chick 1

Chick 2

Chick 3

Chick 4 (has feathered legs)

Chick 5

Chick 6

Love my chickies already! :love :jumpy
Chick1- black Australorp
Chick 2- Rhode Island Red, what kind of comb does she have?
Chick 3- Easter Egger because of slate legs
Chick 4- Black Cochin, on second though she is probably a Black Copper Maran because of the white feather
Chick 5- BLRW
Chick 6- Partridge Plymouth Rock or EE
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I think chick 2 is my BLRW. She's the lightest and has a blueish/grayish tint to her chest.

Chicks 5 and 6 are giving me trouble. I thought chick 5 was a partridge rock because she has a few dark markings on her back. Chick 6 is a Rhode Island Red? It looks too dark though!

But that's what we ordered...
Chick1- black Australorp
Chick 2- Rhode Island Red, what kind of comb does she have?
Chick 3- Easter Egger because of slate legs
Chick 4- Black Cochin, on second though she is probably a Black Copper Maran because of the white feather
Chick 5- BLRW
Chick 6- Partridge Plymouth Rock or EE
I agree with Veer67's guesses, but I could be wrong.
I just received my baby chicks from Meyer Hatchery today. They arrived all alive, only one had pasty butt, but seems to be doing much better now. I am pretty sure I know what breeds they are but anyone want to take some guesses just for fun?? I could be wrong!

Chick 1
Black Australorp

Chick 2
Rhode Island Red

Chick 3
Easter Egger

Chick 4 (has feathered legs)
Black Cochin

Chick 5
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte

Chick 6
Partridge Plymouth Rock, probably.

Love my chickies already!

I think so too. But the feathered legged bird should be a BCM. That's the one chicken that I really wanted for the hatchery! Lol

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