New Bedding is Terrifying.


14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
I needed to add a little more bedding to the coop/brooder so, since I was right there mulching some plants with pine straw I put a couple forks' worth of absolutely dry material in with the chicks instead of breaking out the bale of shavings.



Of course they were back at the feeder in about 2 minutes. Once I've cooled off and hydrated myself I anticipate enjoying watching them dig through the new stuff in search of any bugs that might be found.

P.S. My experience from the previous chickens is that a mix of pine straw with pine shavings almost never mats or packs. Mostly I used it in the run, but I would throw a bit into the coop with the shavings for just that purpose.
Poor little things - everything new is scary!

Sounds mean but I just throw lighter bedding straight at the chickens. They'll scatter for a moment, then get right in there.

My previous chickens learned to love new pine straw in the run. It was always full of yummy bugs.

This didn't have that layer of half-composed biological stuff though -- just perfectly dry stuff off the top for featherless babies.

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