New BR Hen Sneezing/Labored Breathing* Pics Added* Update 8/26

I didn't see that part, sorry. That's way more than enough protein for her. The starter doesn't have the calcium she needs, though, so you need to supplement that. I would give her some plain no-sugar yogurt with active cultures, maybe mixed with the crumble if she won't eat it, and add some olive oil to that. I've never fed game bird starter to any adult chickens, personally, and some may have issue with that, but in her condition, it may do her good for a short period of time. I wouldn't do it very long, though. I was meaning supplement 16% layer feed for extra protein, but even then, it wouldn't add up to 26%.
If the hen has a fungal infection, antibiotics such as Tylan are detrimental. They kill off good bacteria as well as bad. And your hen REALLY needs good bacteria to be fighting off the fungus, if she has one inside.
From what I understand, Tylan is a pretty hard-hitting medicine that will REALLY kill off all kinds of bacteria.
I agree that I wouldn't feed it in any other circumstances but that amount of feather loss I felt warranted the extra protein. She hasn't laid since she's been here but I have oyster shell for all my layers.
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If your hen does not have deep gurgly breathing, she probably doesn't have anything fungal in nature, but again, I'm not a vet and I can't really diagnose a bird over the net. Oxine itself won't counteract Tylan, though, so if you feel she has a bacterial issue and choose to use Tylan, Oxine won't hurt her. If you do feel it's fungal in nature after reading the articles, then Oxine would be what you need to kick it out.

Have you checked her abdomen? Is she laying at all? Heavy breathing can mean she has extra fluid in her body, from ascites or internal laying possibly. She doesn't look young to me and internal laying is quite common in hatchery stock. It can make fluid build up, but so can other things like heart, liver or kidney issues. That's why it's so hard to diagnose over the internet without any testing.
No activator! You can't mist them or put it in their water if you add the activator. With that, it's a super strong disinfectant only.

Tylan kills good gut bacteria. With respiratory fungal infection, the fungus is in the trachea and/or lungs. I'm not sure there would really be much of a conflict, though if it's truly fungal, Tylan is not needed. One hen developed sinusitis following the fungal infection (state vet diagnosed it) and he told us to start her on Tylan in the breast muscle immediately, which we did. She seems good as new now. He said he's seeing lots of that following all this hot and humid stuff, both the fungal and the sinusitis following.
I live in Alabama, I have been having trouble with my RIR and BO, they sound like they have a rattle when they breathe, I just finished a round of antibotics, it didn't seem help that much, I will look for some Oxine. I thought it might have something to do with the weather. I am glad I found this thread, I have been worried to death. Thanks
Thanks for all your advice speckledhen. I wormed her with safeguard for 3 days. After that she perked up a little, enough to cluck at me a tiny bit. She had been virtually silent until then. I got the Oxine yesterday and mixed up a spray bottle. I treated her once last night and once today. She is getting a treatment with a vaporizer right now. I think she must be feeling better. She laid her first egg today. I was surprised it was white.

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